Chapter 2

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Seven o'clock, Jungkook tugged his undershirt in his jeans, before grabbing his bag from his desk, he exited his room not forgetting to lock his bedroom, he jogged towards the kitchen while his phone notified as V's contact name appeared against his screen, he opened his messages to read it while munching onto his bread.


V hyung👽🤖

Hey Kook?

Can you take care of Jennie and Tzuyu? Yk? Can you take them to school for me? Jin hyung and I needs to take care of something at the company.

Can you please?

Yes, sure. No problem hyung, tell them to wait a little longer, I'm still at the garage

They're all ready, and just so you know, they're very impatient while waiting,

so hurry your ass up please😊😊

Wtf?? 🙂😠😡🤬🙄

Let them walk then🙂

V hyeong is typing...

No wait! I'm joking spare my lif



Life* my fucking life* I need to get a
new phone wtf🤬

Hey bitch! It's Jennie, if you feel like we're
a nausiance to you, you could've just said
so that we could ride the damned bus already😡 just take zuyu and I'll walk by myself. 😄😄

Bitch. 🙂😌

Aigooooo, Jendeukie can't
you wait for like 5 more minutes,
I'm literally almost there🙄🙄

Who told you you can call my sister that? 🤨🤨🤨 hmmm? 🤨

Umm... She did? 😮😯

Hurry the fuck up Jungkook!

Okay now that's Jennie...

7:07 am

I'm here.


"Where the hell is that fucking idiot?" Jennie tapped her shoes against the cement crossing her arms against her chance while Jin binked her head, "Language young lady." Jin goared at her while she slightly chuckled "I'm sorry-"

Just then a loud honk of a car rung in her ears as she jumped back, placing her hand on her chest as the loud noise startled her, big time.

"Gosh dang it! You just killed my soul." She sarcastically smiled at him, "Please get in, we're almost late." He grinned widely while the two of them hopped inside his car as she sat on the passenger seat, "Yeah, thanks to your lazy ass waking up at 6 am when classes start at 7:30, you're one of a kind." She clapped her hand before putting her bag in front of her

"You're welcome!?" The three of you bid your goodbyes at Jin and Tae hyung who was busy taking business calls, but of course they took their time to say goodbye and didn't forget to give a Jennie and zuyu a peck.


Lunch was at the corner, only one subject left and students would start running around the halls holding their bento boxes and some would order food from the canteen.

Lisa and Tzuyu were going to class together hugging their books with their arms wrapped around it securely, "How's it going between you and Chanyeol? Didn't you start dating a week ago? Did you tell Jennie Unnie about it already?" Lisa asked in a teasing tone nudging the lass' shoulder as she holds back her smile,

"I don't really know how to describe it, but I think we're going through a process in a relationship, where we'll have trust issues with them, but I can gladly say that we're going through it just fine." She smiled at Lisa who flashed a small grin on her face.

Just so she know, Lisa felt that inscurity rush through her whole body, she slightly had a crush on Chanyeol, but her best friend had him first, so she have to let those feelings slide, or she'll end up hurting the both of them.

The both of them entered the class silently, only to see the others already grumbling about their unfinished homeworks trying to ask for answers from their seatmates.



This is the re-edited version, I hope you like it😁 gn!!!

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