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I missed writing for this book, and Guys! Goldencards! Thank you for supporting me with this book! I know it was kinda lame since it's the first book I made after all, but I promise to give you more content in my new projects and in my upcoming ones, I hope you'll continue to read this story and you'll continue to support this one! This is Such a great Chridtmas and New Year gift and I really appreciate it...

I just want to remind you... Because it had always been my dream to create one of those books that the readers would be interested in reading, and be that author that the readers would try to communicate to, I gotta be honest


There were times that I wanted to give up on these just like how I wanted to give up on my dreams, that I am still doubting would be true, because while creating this book, my never knew... Because I didn't want them too because they'll say that they things like these wouldn't make you a better someone, well actually I find it wrong... I thought that by writing some stories it'd inspire me, it'd inspire me to do lots more and go beyond the things I could do and that I should not be contented of what I have now especially when I know that I have a lot more to show. Well, maybe I'm saying these things, because I never get to say these face to face towards someone... Just remember there is no price in dreaming and if you want to achieve it then strive for it, because it wouldn't happen with you just sitting there. Just like what hey say, hard work will pay off soon...

____ You Can Start Reading Here if you skipped the drama😅😅_____

Again Guys, Goldencards! I love Y'all and thank you again! Merry Christmas, and I hope you'll have a great new Year...

Always remember  Goldencards have a Golden Heart💛💛💛


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