Chapter 3

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Jungkook's POV

Me and my Hyung are in the gym for P.E., and I can see Jennie, she's always down right now. Our school have two courts a volleyball court and a basketball court. Jennie was there she's pretty good. Its been 3 weeks since we met, we became super close were bestfriends and I really like her I admired her since the day we met she's cold but sweet and she have this cute gummy smile I know right love at first sight, my hyungs know about my feelings for Jennie. Why wouldn't I tell them I trust them real hard. But I came back to reality after V hyung called me..........

"Jungkook, did you hear the news?" V hyung said, I looked at him in confusion

"Jennie... Jennie is going to L.A." he said I was shocked and sad and its April, (pretend its April 2017) when is she gonna leave?

"When is she gonna leave Hyung?" I asked..

"Next month her flight is next month May 15, 8 months before her birthday" He said looking down
How awful I wish I could tell her I like her but it is too late

"Jinja?! Next month? What kind of flight is that?" I asked too loud for the whole gym to hear, Jennie and Tzuyu was done with P.E. and Its dissmisal for them.

"Jennie-ah, Tzuyu-ssi come take your bag from me" Jin hyung said then they came over

"Hello Kookie-ah" she said hugging me tzuyu also did they're like twins but not they hugged each of BTS members but did a hand shake to Yoongi.

"Anneoyong Jendukie. Your to sweaty fix yourself remember were going to Starbucks right?" I said

"Ne! CHIM CHIM too sho- cool" she said then they high fived Jimin just frowned and Jennie Smirked how cute................NOPE NOT CUTE.

"YAH! Jiminie, Jendukie, you too are being childish are you coming with us to Starbucks or we'll leave you here." Tzuyu said with arms crossed with a mean look yehey finally someone stopped them from being so sweet to each other

"V Oppa, me and Tzuyu-ssi are going to get changed" Jennie said I wish me and Jennie is that close.

~•~•~ At Starbucks ~•~•~

As we are here in Starbucks "So Jennie is it true that your leaving Korea for L.A?" I asked sipping my frappe then she choked

"Ne... How did you know, did my brother told you or are you gonna say you have your own ways?" She said glaring at Taehyung, If I tell her its Taehyung who told me they would fight again and I don't want that to happend

"Nope, I heard it from the school, many said your dropping out for L.A and what are you doing there? Just have some fun while your friends left here missing you?" I said almost shouting at her, she slammed her coffee on the table and said

"You Don't know anything JUNGKOOK IM GOING THERE TO TAKE CARE OF OUR COMPANY" she said and walked away

"Dumb Jungkook" Tzuyu said and she followed her sister. I ruined it all.... All and I know she'll never forgive me

Jennie's POV

"He's too dumb you know... I'd rather stay here and cry because of my parents death than forget them and have fun in L.A." I said in the middle of my sobs. I hugged Tzuyu.

"Dont worry sis we'll visit you and just forget about him I mean your flight is re-booked for next week already right?" She said, and I just nodded at her. That's right I re-booked my flight for next week.

*Ring* *Ring* from an unknown number

•On phone call•

"Hello Good afternoon this is Flight Pal is this Ms. Jennie Kim?"

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