Chapter 23

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Jungkook's POV

I have strange mixed feelings when I bumped into Jane, I'm not saying that I like her it's just that her scent is so familiar, It's like one of Jennie's Chanel perfume that she always wear.

"Jungkook, you have rehearsals today you can't miss that, it is for the collaboration." Jin hung said and sat next to me,  I nodded and sighed in frustration,

"Do we really  need to do the collaboration, I mean if we look for Jennie and find her in a short time we could totally make it. I hate replacing my Love with someone else." I said and Jin hyung patted my back.

"You aren't replacing Jennie, and we can't refuse anymore because we already announced it and your fans are waiting for it." He said and I just nodded

"Hyung can I stay here until we finally find Jennie?" I asked and he agreed,  I hugged him tight to thank him and he hugged back.

"Come on we are having a press conference later and we are announcing later that Jennie is missing." V hyung said and we got up, I found everyone on the living room still contacting some investigators.

@ Kim's Company

"Jungkook-shi, here drink some. We still are going to attend a press conference later... As couples." She said and a looked at her in disbelief, I forgot we haven't announced that me and Jennie are dating we only told our friends.

"Umm... IU-shi,  you aren't attending there as couples you are only there to talk about the collaboration." Nayeon Noona said and IU's aura changed and darkened

"But I already announced that we are on social media and everyone is crazy--" She was cut off by V hyung.

"Crazy hating about it? Do you know that what you posted caused Jungkook's fans didn't like what you just posted? They are already bashing Jungkook,  Look it says here that 'Jungkook made Jennie think about having a relationship with him but didn't happen. What a shame Jungkook!' That is what on Kim's Buzz Feed. IU! Your putting the Kim's reputation down!" He yelled

"Mianhe..." She said and I saw Momo smirking.

"Okay,  the press conference is up you may now go." Jin hyung said and we all left.

It is already full of cameras and we say down


That is our sitting arrangement

"Good morning everyone I am Kim Taehyung we settled this conference to answer some of your concerns, so let us start now shall we?" V hyung said then one person stepped on the mic.

"Mr. Kim SeokJin,  how is it having all of your staff as your friends and all your Idols close to you?" The reporter asked and Jin answered simply.

"It is great, knowing everyone well in your company is very great and you feel very comfortable working with them and I trust them very much." He said

"So your saying that you don't trust Ms. IU since she is just new?" The reporter butted.

"No. Its just that Taehyung recruited her and we need to know each other more. Right IU?" Jin hyung said and looked at IU then IU gave him a thumbs up.

"Ms. Nayeon how is it working here in Korea for the first time you two Ms. Momo since you are from L.A. branch right?" Another reporter asked and then  they answered

"It is good and yes we are from L.A. branch." Nayeon Noona replied shortly.

"It is good because Mr. Jin and Mr.  V treat us very good and the Idols are really good in cooperating." Momo said the reporter went down of the mini podium and another reporter came.

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