Chapter 41

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After getting all the groceries Jennie and Jungkook returned to their dorm they were greeted by PINKPUNK

"ANNYEONG!!!" They greeted in unison scaring Jennie's soul and Jumped back

"PINKPUNK IMNIDA!!!" They exclaimed and clapped their hands

'Is Oppa trying to put drama here?' Jennie thought as she went inside with some of the things and Cassy helped her

"Annyeong, Eonnie." She greeted with her cute smile

"Let me help you." Cassy insisted and got some stuff and put it at the kitchen

"So... Sajangnim told us to visit you and told us to have lunch with you guys." Soojie informed so that they won't be so confused of why they are here

"Ow..." Jennie uttered

"I'll help cooking Jungkook Oppa!" Cheina exclaimed, Jennie was about to roast her but cameras are everywhere so Decided not to

"And were gonna prepare the table." Jennie said dragging Cassy with her

"And we're gonna watch TV!" Chunsa and Soojie exclaimed in unison

"No- noona-- I dont cook so good." Jungkook said but Jennie ignored him and went in the dining area with Cassy

While preparing, Jennie's phone kept on ringing so she excused herself from Cassy and went in her room and grabbed her phone to answer the call without even looking at who called


She greeted and furrowed her brows

'Jennie it's Kai... I just wanna talk to you about something. I just wanted to say sorry about what happened months ago but I didn't really get the chance to.'

That sudden reply froze her

'K-kai? I've never heard of you for a long time... how are you? And sure let's talk sometime, I'm free after lunch.'

She replied and after a mini conversation they hang up and she went back to the dining area

"Who called?" Cassy asked

"An old friend... he said he wanted to meet up after lunch--" she cut herself off as she remembers the cameras are rolling

"Oh nO!!!" She whined and grabbed the plates and the spoon at the kitchen

"Mwoyo?" Jungkook asked as he sees Jennie walk in the kitchen

"The plates and utensils please." Jennie asked kindly and Cheina handed it to her and continues to help Jungkook cook, Jennie noticed Jungkook's Apron that had her name on it and she also noticed that Cheina and Jungkook weren't gonna talk to each other

"Um... Cheina, you don't put pepper on that's not sugar right?" She said making Cheina gasp

"Is it not?" She asked still in total shock

"Yeah... that's salt!" Jennie laughed out and tasted her dish

"Eh... don't worry, just put 5 teaspoons of sugar it will immediately fix the taste." Jennie informed making Cheina roll her eyes

"I didn't need your instructions." She muttered making Jennie scoff

"Mkay..." Jennie replied and went back to the dining area with the plates and utensils

After everything was settled they all sat on the dining area and started eating, Jungkook noticed that Jennie was in a rush so he asked

"Why are you in a rush?" He asked as he takes a bite of his stake and glanced at her

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