Chapter 15

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Jungkook's POV

"Jen where do you usually hang out when you don't have work. " I asked and she spaced out

I snapped my fingers in front of her face.

"Sorry... I usually hangout with Taeyong there we eat ice cream, we go to the park and sometimes go on dates, even the amusement park.  How about we go there." She asked happily

"Amusement park? Sure,  let's ride each and everyone of them." I said

"Not sure about that but we-- I usually just ride the Ferris wheel and then Taeyong usually go to the horror maze and I will be left on booths eating ice cream and stuff. " She said with sadness in her eyes.

"Oh... Sorry to bring that up." I said and then she dragged me to the parking lot and she drove at the amusement park.

It was too early but many already are in there.

"Let's try treasure hunting." She said and I nodded my head

"Two tickets please." She said through her mask.

The lady gave her 2 Tickets

We entered and then separated ways.

"Good luck!!!!!" She said having this unknown aura.

"N-Neh,  I'll beat you! " I said teasing her.

"And I won't let you do that" She said and started running.

I started to look, it has this maze also.

~ few moments later ~

I was walking until I saw Jennie crying at the corner holding something.

Jennie's POV

I was looking for the treasure until I saw a man in black.  I got curious so I followed him. He ran away and left me in a corner that had a bunch of paper,  he exited already.

I read the paper

           Hello there dear!  Miss me?  You may be wondering who I am but I'll make your life live in hell...

Just like what I did to your parents


I felt tears stream down my face. My knees trembled and I fell down and cried. I felt someone tap my back, I looked to see Jungkook worried.

"Jungkook..." I cried and hugged him tight while crying on his shoulders.

"What happened? " He asked me while I was still crying on his shoulders.

I gave him the paper and read it.

"What the heck?!?!?!?!" He yelled

"Shh." I scolded him

"Don't worry Jen we will look for that guy or girl." He said

"You don't need to help besides its a family matter. " I said sniffing

"Why not your my friend,  and you know what?  Why don't we help each other look for the treasure and get out of this shi--- hunt." He almost cursed which made me chuckle.

"Sure!  I already found one." I said pointing at the treasure behind him.

He ran to it and grabbed my hand.

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