Home atlast!

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We arrived at Raine's house and I looked at my beautiful girlfriend and she's still sleeping. I gently shake her to wake up and she opened her eyes a little.

"Baby, we're already here.." She immediately sat properly and she rubbed her eyes. I got her hand and lead her outside the car. I first got out and I helped her went out and she was out of the car and immediately hugged me. Me and Raine stayed there hugging each other.

"Baby, I'm still sleepy.." She said. I turned around and bent a little. Everytime she says that, I gave her piggy back ride and she held her hands around my neck and I carried her inside the house and into her room. I quietly closed the door and I carefully placed her on the bed and she immediately hugged her cuddly snail pillow that I gave her last last year on her birthday. I removed her heels and put it on the bedside. I put a blanket on her and I kissed her head. I carefully went out of her bed and went out of her room. Then I heard Raine's voice calling me. I went inside her room and saw her sitting on the bed. I went inside and closed the door behind me and I went beside her.

"Don't leave me.." She said.

"I will never leave you. I promise." I told her and kissed her lips. I removed my shoes and I laid down beside her. I put her around my arms and cuddle with her.


"Hmmm.." I said while I'm softly tapping her arm and kissed her head.


"What is it?"

"It's nothing much.."

"Baby, what is it??"

"Well, it's about our future together.."

"What about it?"

"Well, I had this terrible dream that we had a baby and then someone killed it. Then, you left me because I'm a careless mother to the baby and---and--"

"Baby, that won't happen, I promise you. The baby won't die in the future. I promise."

"I shouldn't brought it up.." She turned her back on me and letting go of our hug. I went near her and hugged her from behind.

"Baby, I'll keep you and our future family safe starting today. I don't want anything to happened something bad to us, okay."

"You promise?" She said while turning to look at me.

"I promise. Forever!" I kissed her lips and I went on top of her.

"Wait!" I said while breakening the kiss.

"Are you sure you really want this?" I asked her.

"Mike, I love you and I trust you.." She got my collar and she deepened the kiss.

~After an hour~

Me and Michael are cuddling in my bed with the blanket that covers our naked body from the activity we shared.

"Baby?" He called me. I looked at him and he kissed my lips.

"What was that for?"

"Nothing. Just wanna show you how many decades I've been silent for the times I wanted to kiss your lips so badly. And just to show you how much I love you." I faced him with my elbows on the bed and I got his face on my hand.

"Well, I love you more."

"You do have a beautiful body baby.. That body is only mine and for my eyes only, not for everyone else to see."

"Well, if you want, it's all yours.."

"That body of yours is so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off of it. And you're like a drug to me.."

"I could be your beautiful addicting drug." Just then he wrapped around his arms on me and he rolled us and now he's on top of me. I could feel his member on my thighs.

"Then, I'll be taking you everyday.." He kissed my lips and our make out session continues and went for another round of make love.

~Night comes~

We were both wearing our clothes and we kind of had another round in the bathroom while taking a bath. We were very quiet and not a single hint was heard. We are now eating dinner with mom and dad.

"Is Michael staying the night here?" Mom asked.

"No auntie. Later, I'll be going home. I just wanna make sure Raine's fine before I go home."

"That's okay, we're here.." Dad said. Mom immediately elbowed dad on the stomach and she made an angry face at dad.

"I mean, you could stay the night here.." Dad said.

"No, that's okay, thank you." Michael said.

"If you say so.." Mom said. Me and Michael were done eating. We went upstairs and went inside my room. He sat on the bed while I fixed myself, getting ready for bed. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, changed my clothes into pajamas and combed my hair. After that, I went outside and sat on Michael's lap. His back is on the headboard and his legs are on the bed. I hugged him and he rubbed my back and caressed my hair.

"We both thought that we'll just lose our virginity when we got married." I told him.

"I thought so too but I'm glad you're my first and I'm also your first. Then, we're going to be the last person for each other okay?"

"Okay.." I sighed deeply and I just closed my eyes and breathe in his perfume.

"Did you liked it?" He asked me in his shy voice. I looked at him in his eyes and peck his lips.

"I loved it, every second of it!" I told him and he nodded his head and he lay us down properly. We cuddled each other and he kept kissing my head.

"I love you so much Raine. I can't afford to lose you and I would go crazy if I lost you.. That's why I'm glad that you recovered from the accident that happened to you. I would go crazy knowing that one day, I lost you.. Please remember that I love you with all my heart."

"Thank you for being there for me. I love you too Michael. So much that I can't stand being away from you, which cause me to drive back and be in your arms again but then, something stopped me from going in to you again. But now, here I am, very alive. I love you so much Michael. I really do.." I kissed his lips and I broke it and hugged him.

"Good night Raine."

"Good night Michael.." I closed my eyes and felt him rubbing my arms while humming a tune for me to fell asleep and that technique made me sleep, indeed..

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