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"Mike, just let her stay on her bed and her operation was a success. Everyday, I'm gonna visit her and please let her drink her medicines. The instructions are there on her table. I gotta go.. Bye.." She left the house and I sighed in belief.

"Jessie, is she awake?" I asked Jessie.

"She isn't."

"Could I stay there first?"

"Yeah, you could.." I went upstairs and  went to her room. I opened the door and saw her sleeping peacefully on the bed. I sat on the other side of the bed and I caressed her hair. I kissed her forehead. I lay down beside her and wrapped my arms around her arm and intertwined my hand on hers. I fell asleep while I'm holding her.

~A couple of hours~

"Michael??" I look at the one who's waking me and saw mother.

"Why mother??"

"We just want to know if you're going to stay the night here with Raine, so that I'll be able to get your clothes.."

"No need mother. I'll let my maids bring them here."

"No, we'll be the one.."

"Are you sure mother??"

"Yeah, I'll let Janet bring it here for you.."

"Okay mother. Thank you so much.."

"We'll just leave okay? Take care of Raine and take a rest for awhile.."

"I will take care of her mother. That I promise."

"I did raise you right my child.."

"I love you mother.."

"I love you too my son. Bye.." She went out and I looked at Raine and she changed the position of her head. I snuggle up again on her arm and intertwined it and fell asleep.

~After 2 hours~

"Babe.. baby.." I woke up with someone waking me. I looked at Raine and saw her awake and we both smiled.

"Hi baby.." I said and kissed her lips. I grabbed her cheeks and broke the kiss. I sat beside her and caressed her hair.

"How are you feeling??" I asked her.

"Well, I can't feel my body yet because of the injection."

"Do you want to eat something??"

"I don't like.."

"What do you wanna do??"

"Do the media knew about our situation?"

"They were calling Jessie to asked 'bout you and I. Jessie just kept on denying their call without your permission."

"Why me?? You could handle those things.."

"I just wanna make sure you're okay with us telling our situation."

"I'm okay. Could you handle it??"

"Yeah but I want you to be there beside me. I think it will be the time to tell the world."

"What do you think the reaction of your fans if they knew that we're in a relationship?"

"I don't care what they say about us, as long as we're together forever, nothing can break us.." I kissed her lips and I broke it and looked at her.

"We'll just make a schedule of our interview with James Corden and you know, make the biggest announcement." I told her.

"Let's just wait for my recovery and then we could do it together."

Forever ( A Michael Jackson story)Where stories live. Discover now