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~The Next Day

It's already morning and I already packed my things for the 1 year fashion tour. The committee did not approved on having Michael to come because of what happened before. But Michael understood that, but he didn't even knew that it will take a whole year for me to finished the fashion tour. Michael is coming here in my house to pick me up and bring me to the airport. Somebody knocked on the door, I looked at it and saw Michael. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and I could feel he's starting to cry because this will be the first time we're going to be separated from each other. Before, when he has a tour with his brothers or has a concert, I always come with them and watched them. But now, it's too depressing for me to leave him alone.

"Mike, baby, don't cry please.." I told him.

"Babe, I can't. It's too hard for me to think that you're too far away from me and I won't be able to see your face, kiss them and to hugged you.."

"Baby, I wish this tour will end up fast but it's going to take longer than what we expect!" I broke the hug and looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going out for a whole year.."

"NO!! You'll be gone in my arms for the whole year!"

"I know Mike.. But it's my job.. I gotta make money for me and for our future together.."

"I'll be the one to make money for our future.."

"Michael, I looked like a golddigger if I let you work while me, sitting around the house and doing nothing!"

"You're far from golddigger, okay?! I love you and I'm going to take care of you. It's my duty to work for our future family."

"We have the same duty Michael. But right now, I want you to trust on me and I trust you. I'm not here to looked at you and take care of you but I promise you that I'll still go home in your arms, okay? I love you so much Michael.."

"I promise you that I won't cheat on you and I promise to be a good boy for you and I love you too, so much!" He kissed my lips and tears fell down his eyes. I held his waist while he held my cheeks. We both parted from the kiss and we hugged each other.

"I think we should go, I might be late for my flight." I told him and I broke the hug and he nodded his head and he grabbed my two suitcases and I grabbed my jacket and wore it. Then, I grabbed my backpack and I put it on. Michael already went out with my suitcases and I got my phone and put it on my pocket. I went out of the room and went downstairs. I saw mom and dad hugging each other's waist on the door. I went to them and hugged them. I heard them sniffle and I broke the hug and looked at them.

"Mom, dad, I'll always call you, I promise.." I told them.

"Call everyday okay? We're going to miss you so much! Take care always okay.." Dad said.

"I'll try to call as much as possible. I'll be careful for you guys.." I told them and I kissed their cheeks and wave goodbye to them.

"Bye mom, bye dad.." I told them.

"Bye sweetheart.. We love you so much.." Mom said.

"I love you too mom dad.." I went to Michael and he opened the door of his limo for us.

"My queen.." He said while pointing to the limo.

"Thank you my king.." I told him while smiling and pinching his cheek. I went inside and he comes after. He closed the door and he also closed the window between us and the driver. He grabbed my waist and he immediately kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and held his curls in my hands. His hands are enjoying exploring my back.

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