Michael to the Rescue

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I reached the factory and I went out. By the time I went out, I felt very nervous. I saw a couple of man walking towards me. Then, I saw them carrying Raine, who has blood everywhere. They put Raine down and left. I immediately ran to Raine and got her.

"Baby, I'm here.." I told her.

"Mike, they gave us 30 minutes to run.."

"Let's go.." I carried here and I put her inside the shotgun side and I ran to my place and start to drive. While driving out of here, I held Raine's hand and she held her stomach. I looked at it and saw full of blood.

"Raine, what did they do to you??!!" I said while I held her thigh. She grabbed my hand on her thigh and she intertwined them.

"After the call, they nearly killed me. They shot me and they gave me 30 minutes. We only have 3 minutes. I have this plan. We need to go to Jessie's place. That's the only place Brooke doesn't know. Call the others and tell them to go there now. We need to go there first Mike. I'll let Jessie called our friend doctor and she will be the one to stitch me up."

"Baby, is that legal?"

"For us, yes.. Just drive and I could call them." I gave the phone to Raine and she let go of our hands and she dialled her dad's number.


D: Michael?! Do you have Raine with you??

R: Dad, it's me. Me and Michael have this plan. Please proceed to Jessie's second house. We need you there.

D: Okay.. Honey, are you okay??

R: We're fine dad. Just make sure no one is behind you..

D: Okay, we'll just ride on one car.

R: Okay. I'll talk to you later.

D: Raine, me and your mom loves you so much.

R: I love you both..


"Mike, I'll call Jessie for the plan.."

"Okay.. Are you still fine??"

"Yeah. I can still managed." I called Jessie for the plan.


J: Hello?

R: Jessie, it's me Raine. Something happened and I need to borrow your second house. And please call Kim, our friend doctor. Tell her she needs to operate me. I have shot in my abdomen and a little later, I'm maybe unconscious.

J: Yeah.. I'll call her immediately and we'll be there in a few. Give the guard an instructions okay..

R: Okay. Thanks..


We arrived at Jessie's home. I bring down the window a little and the guard saluted us.

"Miss Raine, here's the key." He gave me the keys and I thanked him.

"If my family arrived with the Jacksons, please let them in. Also Jessie will come with our friend doctor. But if anyone is looking for any of us. Tell them that nobody is in this house and please record everything that you and that person talked about."

"Will do, miss Raine.." Then, he opened the door and we proceed inside. Michael parked the car and he ran to my side and carried me. He walked a little fast and we reached the door. I entered the key to the keyhole and we entered the house.

"Could you bring me upstairs to the room? They'll stitch me up there." He brought me upstairs and to my room where I always sleep, I always sleep here when we have a paper works to finished. Michael placed me carefully on the bed. He put his towel in my wound and he pressed it tightly, so that the blood won't rush out and the wound won't get infected.

"Baby, I'm sorry I broke my promise to you.. I was never on your side and they hurt you.."

"Michael, it's not your fault, okay.. They are the ones who made this not us. What happened to them right now??"

"In prison.."

"Why do you say so?"

"I called a backup and they did a very good job.. Before they could catch us, the police cornered them and they texted me that they caught them."

"Thank God!" He kissed my lips and I held his face.

"Nothing will separate us.. I love you so much Raine and breaking up with you will be the death of me.."

"Neither do I." Then, somebody barged in and we saw Jessie with Kim, our friend doctor.

"Raine, let me see you wound.." Michael let go of my wound and Kim looks at it.

"We need to do it now. I just need you Jessie here and Michael, I don't want you to see this."

"It's okay, I can stay outside.." He looked at me and kissed my forehead.

"Everything's going to be okay. Everything will be back to normal. I'll wait for you, okay.. I love you so much." He kissed my lips and he broke it.

"I love you more Michael.." Then, he went out of the room for us to get started. Jessie helped Kim to organized the things they needed for the operation. A little later, Kim injected me and I got a little woozy. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I went to the kitchen and washed my hands to remove some blood stains. After I washed my hand, I sat on the couch and got my phone. I looked through the internet, the news about Brooke and me breaking up and Brooke, kidnapping and attempted to kill Raine. But the news about me and Raine in the relationship has not yet out. But maybe when we both got interviewed by the media, maybe we'll tell it. There's a knocking sound on the door, I stood up and looked through the peep hole and saw Mother with my siblings and Raine's parents. I opened the door and they come inside. We all sat on the couch.

"Where's my daughter Michael?" Auntie Demi asked.

"She's in her room. Jessie and their friend doctor, Kim are operating her. They're trying to removed the ammo that is on her left stomach."

"Oh my gosh!" Auntie Demi, mother and my sisters said at the same time.

"What about Brooke??" Marlon asked.

"Prison. The police took them all in the prison already."

"Thank God!!" Mother said.

"I hope Raine survived the operation." Janet said. They're very close like the bond me and Jan has.

"I know she will.." I told them.

"That's the spirit son. Let's just hope and pray that Raine will survived the operation." Mother said.

'God, please helped my girlfriend to survive the operation and please helped us to face these challenges and please help us to move forward together. I really love Raine and please keep us safe and unharmed.' I sighed deeply and held my hands together.

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