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~After 2 hours~

We've been waiting for 2 hours and yet, no one wants to inform us of what is happening to my wife right now. My family and Raine's are here. All of them are present and helping me not to lose faith. But what I'm worried about is my children, they won't sit still, always standing up and walking and asking everybody about their mom. I'm worried at Aubrey.

"Baby girl.." I called Aubrey. She went near me and I held her cheeks.

"Daddy, I'm worried at mommy."

"Me too baby, but I can't stand to see you in so much worry than I am. I'm sure---"

"Where's Mr. Jackson?" I heard the doctor asked for me. I immediately stood up and went to him.

"What happened to my wife? Is she okay??" He sighed deeply and shook his head.

"Her life is in a critical condition. We've put life supporter on her and her operation went fine. We removed a bullet that's near her heart, stomach and another one in the shoulder. Well, the shot she had in her heart almost taken her life, but thankfully, your wife is very brave and strong, she managed to maintain her oxygen level. But right now, she's not yet awake and she's not in coma, if you are wondering. She's just asleep because of the anesthesia and we just put her a life support because her heart rate is low and her oxygen level are giving a signs of getting low. But we'll put her in her room and strictly one person. But congratulations, because of the operation and I hope she get well soon." I nodded my head and smiled a little.

"Thanks doc." I said with a little smile. A little bit of me is happy and the other half is worried. I'm happy that my wife survived but the other part is worried at her condition. I looked at my kids and went near them. Aubrey came and sat beside me and Prince raised his hands at me and I carried him and put him in my lap.

"Daddy, what does the doctor said?" Aubrey asked.

"Well, she's okay. She survived the operation, but there is a problem." 

"What is it son?" Mother and Raine's mom said while sitting down beside us. All attention went to me and they went near me and I just sighed deeply.

"Well, her operation was a major success, but her condition is 50/50. She has a life supporter on her right now. She's going to stay for the meantime in the ICU Ward and the other good news is, she's not in coma. So, it's mean she might wake up in a little while." I said while getting a little teary.

"E-e-excuse me guys." Mom (Raine's mom) said. I nodded my head and I sat deeply on my chair. 

"Daddy, mommy isn't awake?" Aubrey asked.

"The doctor said she's not yet awake, but she will wake up soon."

"I hope mommy is gonna be fine." Aubrey said with full of positivity. She inherited that from her mother.

"Can I see mommy?" Aubrey asked.

"Maybe later, but not right now." She nodded her head and I kissed her head. 

"Mommy?" Prince asked. 

"Mommy's fine, baby." 

"Owkie!" He hugged me and I just rubbed his back. I just smiled at the thought that Prince is singing lowly but of course, he babbles. But of course, the tunes of his alphabet song is still there. This boy got my talent. 

"Applehead." I heard Janet called me and she sat beside me and Prince. 

"Everything will be okay.. I trust Raine and she won't leave you and your kids alone."

"I know Dunk, and I also trust her with all my life." I said. "It's just, it's so hard to cope up with what's happening to my family."

"I know you do but have faith, Michael." I looked at her and she rubbed my arm. I smiled at her and she did the same.

"I wished this ends right now. I hate to see her being hurt by anybody."

"I know. This is just a trial that God gave you guys to strengthen your relationship."

"I know." I said until we saw a bed that is rolled out. I immediately stood up and saw Raine on the bed. I gave Prince to Janet and rushed immediately on her side. I saw her fluttering her eyes and I held her hand. She turned her head on me and I just smiled at her and kissed the back of her hand. 


"Baby, it's okay. You're going to be fine.." I said and she just nodded her head. I saw Janet carrying Prince, Jackie and Aubrey together. The others stayed on the waiting room to wait for Raine's mom and they will come inside the ICU room by themselves. 

"Where are we going?" Raine asked a little weaker and softer.

"You're going to be admitted in an ICU Ward. You're in a critical condition and you have a life supporter on."

"It's means I might die?" 

"Please don't say that. I don't want you to say that ever again. I'll do everything for you just to stay beside me and the kids." 

"Mike, I feel so weak.." I held her face and I tried to stop my tears from flowing and it went a success.

"We're almost there babe." Then, we arrived at the ICU Ward. Inside the ward is a two room. One room for the visitor of the patient then, there's another door that leads inside the patient. Beside the door, there's a window where we can see Raine. They settled Raine inside the room and we stayed outside her door. After they settled Raine, the nurse came to me.

"Sir, we recommend to wear a hospital gown, hairnet, hospital shoe cover, mask and gloves for the patient's safety pre-cautious. Only two visitors at a time." I just nodded at her and she pointed at the cabinet where those things are found. I immediately grabbed some things for me and Aubrey. I immediately put mine and Janet helped Aubrey to put hers. I held Aubrey's hand and I opened the door and went inside. I got the chair and I sat on it and Aubrey sat on my lap. Raine smiled at Aubrey and Aubrey immediately held her mother's hand.

"Mommy, are you feeling any better?" Aubrey asked.

"No baby. Mommy is still weak." 

"I hope you get better soon, mommy." 

"I will baby.." Aubrey looked at me and I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. I looked at Raine and we both smiled at each other. She looked at Aubrey and she smiled at her.

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