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"Well, it's about the safety of me and your daughter.." I told him.

"What do you mean??" He sat on the bed and held my hands.

"That's why we came back here because I have been receiving a death threats recently. He said that he may kill me or our baby.. Michael, I don't know what to do?!" I held my face and cried. I felt him hugged me and rubbed my back.

"Who is giving you threats?"


"Are you sure?"

"I knew you won't believe me!" I broke the hug and stood up. I felt him hugged my waist and he kissed my neck.

"I trust you, I just wanna make sure. I'll do everything to keep the both of you safe." I turned around and I hugged him. I cried at his shoulder and I felt him rubbed my back and comforting me.

"Babe, I'll keep you guys safe.. You and Aubrey will be fine.." Just then, we both laid down and we fell asleep.

~In the middle of the night~

Somebody barged in the Neverland and invade Michael and Raine's bedroom. There were 5 men, wearing all black, and kidnapped the three of them. The men put a cloth with chemical on Raine's nose and Raine was awake because of the smell and she is waking Michael up. When Michael heard Raine's voice, he saw the men and was about to get on them, but the men beside him hit Michael with a gun on his head. Raine immediately fell unconscious and Aubrey is starting to cry. The two men carried Michael and the other two to Raine and the other one carried Aubrey. They brought them to the car and they drove away.

~The Next Day~

I woke up with a huge pain on my head. I opened my eyes and saw that I'm tied on the chair. I immediately looked at the background and it's dark. The only light was on me. Where's Raine?! Where's Aubrey?! I need my daughter! I need my girlfriend!!

"So, you're awake!" I heard a man's voice. I looked around to see who it is.

"Who are you? Where's Raine?! Where's Aubrey?! Where's my girlfriend and my daughter?!" The man stepped on the light and saw it's Eric and Edward?!

"Why?!" I told them..

"Now Michael, I want you to choose. (Clapped his hand)" Edward clapped his hand and there were lights on and I saw Raine standing while her hands and feet are tied up while the two men held Raine. Aubrey is on the other man.

"Choose on who you want to stay alive. You're going to choose only one, on who's going to kill!" Edward said.


"I can't! I need you two to be safe. I promised you!"

"Break your promise! But please promise me, you'll take care of our daughter.."

"No Raine! I can't lose you!"

"I don't want you to lose Aubrey.." Raine said. I cried so hard and I want them to be safe.

"Why won't you kill me?!" I told them.

"NO MICHAEL!!" Raine said.

"No! I need YOU to suffer for all you've done to me! You stole Raine from me!!" Edward said.

"NOW CHOOSE!!" Eric told me and I can't help but cry.

"I want Aubrey to be safe.." I told them and I looked at Raine and both of our faces are now soaked with our tears. Raine just smiled at me and then, we heard a gunshots. I saw Raine's reaction changed and the man dropped Raine and she laid on the floor starting to bleed.

"RAINE!?" I shouted and cried.

"Well, you got a wrong wrong choice Michael." Edward said and he shot Aubrey once.

"NOO!!" I yelled and the man laid Aubrey beside Raine, both are bleeding. Edward and Eric looked at me and Edward shot me. Then, Eric came and untie me. I dropped on the floor and they left. I looked at Raine and Aubrey and tried to crawl as fast as I can. I tried not to stop crawling because of my family. When I got to them, I grabbed Aubrey and her shot was too far from her body, the shot was only on her hand. Thank God. She's crying too hard and I kissed her head. I looked at Raine and saw her trying to breathe.

"Baby, baby.. Please wake up.." I told her.

"Mike, is Aubrey hurt?" She softly said that.

"She only hurt her hand, that's all." I checked my phone and felt my phone. I grabbed it and turned on my location. I dialled Jackie and he immediately answered.


J: Michael?!

M: Find us. We need help, we're shot. Come faster..

J: We're coming brother..


Aubrey kept on crying and I laid down on the floor and got her and Raine on my arm.

"Calm down Aubrey, mommy and daddy are here. We'll keep each other safe.. I'm sorry, daddy tried to save the both of you but they were bad.." I calmed my daughter and she stopped crying.

"Mike..." I heard Raine. She looked at me and she kissed Aubrey's head and she's now starting to cry. I held her cheek and then, she held my hand.

"I love you guys so much.." Raine said and I just cried.

"Me and Aubrey loves you so much.." I tried to kiss her lips even though I am in pain. I successfully kissed her lips and I broke it and kissed Aubrey's head. I felt Raine let go my hand and that is not a good sign.

"Raine??" I tried to shake her but she's not moving.

"Raine, baby? Please wake up.." Not a move from her. I looked at Aubrey and she's asleep. Just then, I felt so tired. I laid down and my eyes suddenly closed.


Jackie and his family along with the police came on time to Michael's location. The Jackson siblings went inside the factory and saw Michael, Raine and Aubrey laying down on the floor with blood dripping. Janet immediately got Aubrey. Jackie and Jermaine carried Michael, Marlon and Randy carried Raine. Rebbie drove Jackie's car and LaToya drove Jermaine's car. Jackie and Jermaine rode Michael to Jermaine's car while Raine and Aubrey are in Jackie's car. They all went to the hospital and when they arrived, the nurses and doctors immediately bring the three of them to the Operating room and started the surgery. The doctors were panicking because Raine immediately flat lined. While outside the room, Michael's siblings are waiting. Janet kept on crying and Jackie just comfort her sister. Jermaine called Raine's parents to know the situation of them. Raine's parents are now on their way to the hospital. But the siblings can't stop worrying about the three of them inside the Operating Room. After 45 mins, Raine's parents arrived with Joseph and Katherine. Just then, the doctor from the Operating room went out and faced them with some good and bad news.

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