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~The Next Day~

I carried Aubrey and I'm in my clothes already and ready to get out of this hospital. Michael got my things already and he got my bags and we both walked out. He held my waist while I held Aubrey on my chest. Michael pressed the elevator's button and we'll just wait for it to open.

"Baby, you're gonna stay with me this Saturday, okay?" He said.

"I am, why?"

"Troy. I just don't want him to come near you.."

"I know, that's why I don't want to see his cheating face ever."

"Please stay with me.."

"I am staying with you Mike.. Why are you like this?"

"I just don't want him to steal you from me.."

"No one's stealing me from you. I will be forever in your side."

"I just want to keep you forever.."

"We will keep each other forever, that I promise." I hugged him and I kissed his cheek. The elevator door opened and we went inside. Michael pressed the ground level and the door closed and we just went down.

"Are the media still down there?" I asked him.

"I'm afraid so.. You cover Aubrey's face. I don't want her identity to be public."

"I got it covered babe." I told him and the elevator door opened and we walked out. Bill and Javon saw us and they lead the way and start protecting us from the crazy tabloids.

"Raine, is that your child to Michael?"

"Michael, are you cheating on Raine over Tatum??"

"Michael are you using Raine as a baby maker?!" We arrived at the limo and Michael let me enter first and he comes next.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked me.

"Well, that hurt me.."

"What is it?"

"They were asking you if you're using me as your baby maker. That hurt me really well."

"I'll be the one to take care of that. We both know that we made Aubrey with love and nothing else. We gave life from the fruit of our love."

"We know that."

"Just don't stressed that out, I love you and Aubrey too much to be hurt."

"We love you too Mike." I kissed his lips and broke it. I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me and Aubrey. Suddenly, Aubrey cried. Michael got Aubrey and he feed her. While he's feeding her, I opened my phone and scroll through my twitter.

"Baby, I already bought some baby things and I renovated a room beside us for Aubrey's new room." Michael said.


"Yeah.. Tomorrow baby, I'm gonna go record some songs and I need a long time there."

"What time will you go home?"

"Midnight? I'm gonna write the songs first."

"Oh.. okay.."

"Janet will come by and helped you in taking care of Aubrey.."

"Oh, sure.." I put down my phone and looked at the windows. Michael is starting to burp Aubrey and I just smiled at them. Just then, I received a phone call. I looked at it and saw it's Jessie.


R Hey Jess! What's up?

J: Yow gurl, your mom told me everything! You want me to arrange you a meeting with the Penshoppe?

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