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~The Next Day~

I am in the supermarket, doing some food grocery. I am going inside the car and ready to drive home. I was about to close the door when somebody got my hand and cover my mouth with a towel and I smell something weird and I just kept beeping the horn but fell unconscious because of the smell.


It's been 2 hours since Raine went outside. Prince, Aubrey and I are playing on the garden and we're playing ball.

~1 hour and 30 minutes~

I kept on calling Raine's phone but it's not my luck. She was gone for nearly 3 hours and I know Raine. She wouldn't take long in grocery shopping when she had all the things needed written on her list.

"Mr. Jackson, Mr. Jackson!!" I heard Javon called me and I looked at him and he was shouting and running. I went near him and even the children followed me.

"What's wrong?"

"I was just watching the news and saw Mrs. Jackson's car on the ocean! Her clothes were there, her things but she's not there! The police thought that she might be still in the ocean or nowhere to be found or the worse part is, she died on the ocean and cannot be found." My world came crumbling down. That's why she won't answer her phone. But why!

"I need to see the place..." I said while tears are pouring down on my cheeks.

"Yes sir.." Then, he went running back again and I looked at my children.

"Daddy, what happened?" Aubrey asked.

"Mommy is in an accident and she's missing, we need to go to her and find her.."

"Mommy?" Prince asked.

"Yes baby, let's go!" I carried Prince and Aubrey ran with me and we went inside the car. Bill drove the car and I don't know what to do.

When we reached the place, I asked Javon and Bill to looked out for the children first. I went to the place but the police stopped me from going there.

"No! My wife is there!! I need to see her!!" I cried.

"Sir, the investigation is still on-going. But sir, we just want to know if this is your wife's clothes before the accident happened?" He gave me a pink shirt and her shorts that has a letters of my initials.

"This is hers! It's her clothes when she left the mansion!"

"Sir, I advice you to go home first and stay still, we're still finding her and we won't stop until we saw her."

"Look at any angle where she might be, please.. I'm begging you to find my wife!"

"We will do our bests sir." I nod my head and went back inside the car. When I reached inside, I immediately cried and I felt Aubrey and Prince hugged me.

"Why daddy?" Aubrey asked me.

"Mommy is still missing baby, I don't know what will I do if mommy is gone.." I hugged them and cried.


I woke up with a pounding headache. I look around and saw that I am naked! This is not my house, where's Michael? Where are my kids?! Just then, somebody barged in and it was a man wearing a mask and a black clothes. He went near me and touched me. I am pushing him out of me and he kept touching me..


~After 3 months~


It's been 3 months and Raine is still missing. Some people declared Raine is dead but for me, I'm very sure. Me, Janet and the kids are in Cleveland for the tour. My phone rang and Frank answered it for me. I am doing my rehearsal when Frank called me.


"What Frank?"

"It's about Raine.." I widened my eyes and ran towards him on the seat. I grabbed my phone and answered it immediately.


M: Hello?

??: Sir, this is California Medical calling, it's about your wife sir.

M: What happened to Raine? Is she okay??

??: Your wife has a lot of bruise and cuts, entirely her whole self. And she's kinda depressed right now. She cannot talked or she won't stand up from her bed.

M: Why? What happened to her?

??: From the police report, the kidnappers took advantage of her by raping her and hurting her.

What!? She was raped!! I'll make the suspects suffer for this.

M: Can I talk to my wife?

??: Okay sir. (After a while) Sir, you may speak to her. You're in a speaker mode.

M: Hey baby.. I miss you so much..

R: Michael??

M: Hey babe. It's me..

R: Please come and get me out of here.. I'm scared..

M: I'm coming to get you now, baby.. I'll get you myself, okay?

R: Okay..

M: I'll go now and I'll see you later. I love you so much..

R: Okay..


"Frank, cancel the tour because I'll bring Raine here and she's very depressed."

"How 'bout the kids?" He asked.

"Let them stay. I'll have Bill and Javon with me."

"Mike, it's a 36-hour travel--"

"I don't care how long it is, as long as I got my wife again."

"If you say so. Go and get her now." I immediately ran and went to the car with my bodyguards.

~After 36 hours~

I immediately went inside Raine's room. I got in and saw my heart pounded so lovely.

"Babe.." She looked at me and she stood up from her seat nesr the window and ran towards me. I went in and closed the door and hugged her so tightly.

"Oh my God! Baby, I missed you so much! I love you so much and I won't let them hurt you baby.."

"I'm scared, Michael.. I'm scared.." Then, she cried on my chest and I rubbed her back.

"Let's just go back to Cleaveland so that I can continue my tour. And you are coming along with me." She nodded her head and I got her bag and we walked away. The nurse said that she was cleared to go so, I wasted no time in getting on the car. I let her in first and I went in next to her when she hugged me and she put her feet on top of my legs and she closed her eyes.

"You sleepy baby?" I asked her. She just nodded her head and she sighed deeply. I kissed her head and I carried her and placed her on my lap and I cuddle her so close. God! How I missed her so much.. She needed me so much. She needed my love, support, time and everything. Thinking of her being depressed is the most scary thing to me. I don't know what will I do if she hurt herself because of her depression.

"I love you.. Me and the kids loves you so much.." I kissed her head and slept with her.

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