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~The Next Day~

It was a pleasant morning of Saturday. Me and Michael are sitting on the living room's couch and just cuddling. Just then, my phone rang indicating that somebody is calling. I look at the caller ID and saw it's Jessie. I immediately answered.


R: Hey Jessie!

J: Girl! How are you right now?

R: I'm fine, why'd you call?

J: Well, it's sad for me to tell you but, we need you at the agency immediately. We have a meeting for you.

R: Huh? About what?

J: The board is deciding to kick you out at the agency.

R: Wha---What?! Kicking me out??! Why?!

J: Yeah. It's because they don't want to be involved with the issue between you and your husband.

R: What!? You've got to be kidding me! How will they EVER be involved with the issue between me and Michael?

J: I don't also know. They also warned me that if I ever go involved with their decisions, they're going to kick me out also.

R: Please don't be involve. I want you to keep your job. 

J: What about you?

R: I also don't know. Being a model won't stop there, right? We have plenty of opportunities.

J: You're right, but if someone got you, I won't be your manager.

R: Yeah.. But thanks. I'll come down in 15.

J: Okay. See you..


"Where you going?" Michael asked me while breaking our cuddles.

"The agency called a meeting with me. They're kicking me out."

"What?! They can't do that!" 

"Well, they did. I need to go and I'll see you--"

"No, I'm coming with you.."

"Just stay in the car.. I don't want the board of directors to fire back at you.."

"I can managed.. You're letting go of your dreams! I can't let you do that."

"Mike, it's okay to let things go, sometimes. I already achieve my dreams being a model, and also being a crowned Miss Universe last year. I've done my part and if somebody wanted me then that's the time I'll accept it. Maybe they don't recognized the things I've done for their company. And they don't need someone like me." He suddenly kissed my lips and I held his hands.

"Don't worry, I'll help you look for a new work." 

"That's okay babe. I'll spend more time with the kids and I needed to bond with them and I miss them terribly."

"I know you do babe, but are you sure you don't want to work?"

"Yes babe. I'm pretty sure about it." He nodded his head and I stood up and went inside our bedroom. I changed my clothes into red long sleeves polo, brown shorts, dirty brown knee-length boots and light brown wide brim sun hat. I curled my hair, applied some shadowy make-up, and put perfume. I walked out and saw Michael stood up from his seat and had his mouth and eyes wide open. I walked near him and closed his mouth. 

"Like what you see?"

"You still make me feel so nervous every time you walked near me and you astonished me with your beauty." 

"And up until now, you still make me blush.." I told him and he kissed my lips and I held his shoulders and broke the kiss. 

"We need to go.." He got my hand and he led us to the limo. He opened the door for us and he let me in first. I went inside and he came next and he sat next to me and I put my hand in his and he intertwined them. 

"Daddy?" I called him while he's putting the window up between us and the driver. 

"Yes mommy?" 

"Instead of working, can I start my own vlogging channel?"

"A what?!" He said in a confused manner.

"Vlog. It's like my own streaming of my lifestyle, something like that."

"It's like your own show?"

"Yeah, something like that. In that way, when fans started watching those vlogs and I made money on it!" 

"Are you sure about that?" 

"Yeah, I won't expose so much on it.."

"How about the kids? They can be seen on your vlog."

"Pleasee??" I beg with my puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, mommy. If it makes you happy then it's fine." 

"YIEEE!!" I  clapped a little and kissed his cheek. 

"Thank you baby.. I love you so much."

"I love you more mommy.." 

"Can I start now?" 

"Oh really? You have an idea?"

"Yeah! It's gonna be our day together." 

"Well, okay.." I got my phone and opened my camera and tapped the video and focused it on my face first.

"Hey guys! So, this is my first vlog and for those who don't know me. I'm Raine, I was first famous for being named as Michael Jackson's best friend, then turned into his girlfriend,  right daddy?" I went near Mike and focused the camera for the both of us.

"You're absolutely right, mommy." Michael aid while flashing his famous smile. 

"And now, you're my wife and I'm your husband. The best title I have in my whole life."

"Me too daddy.. But! As you can see, we're all suit up and everything. Me and Michael will go somewhere first before we have our special bond." 

"That's right." Michael said. I end the video and took some of my amazing videography skills. Just then, we just arrived at the agency. I looked at Michael and he just smiled at me. 

"Please calm down first yourself. You've just gotten out of your hospitalization. I don't want you going back there again."

"Thanks Mike.. I need to go and finished this, so that I can spend the rest of my day with you." 

"Sure thing mommy.." He pecked my lips and I went down the limo. 

~After 15 mins~

"I'm so done with you guys kept asking me and kept on insisting what's yours and yours. You don't listen to their suggestions.." I said in anger.

"It's because we owe this company and we decide not our models." One of the board of director said.

"I now know the reason why our best models were out, it's because of your fault. You just lost the best people who had worked here and will never work here, cause I'm out of here and here.. Eat my papers, because I resigned!" I slammed my resignation in front of them and walked out of the room. That felt so good in me! It feels like a big torn was pulled out of my chest. What a sigh of relief!

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