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I woke up early at 7 am. Michael went home yesterday maybe right after I fell asleep. I started to take a bath when I felt that something liquid rushing down my legs. I stopped the shower and looked in my legs and saw a blood! Wait! It's not even my period. Oops! I remembered that me and Michael had sex-- three times! That's why I have a pain in my down part when I walk. I just finished taking a bath and wore my clothes. I wore a black shorts, grey hanging long sleeves, and pink sketchers. I went to comb my hair and little later, I'm gonna tie it. I went down and saw mom cooking breakfast, dad is watching news while sipping his cup of coffee.

"Good morning honey!" Mom said. I went to her and we kissed each other's cheek.

"Good morning mom."

"Make your coffee now, honey."

"Thanks mom!" I made my own coffee and I sat beside dad. Dad kissed my head and we both watched news. But there's one news that caught our attention. It was Michael.

"The singer and icon Michael Jackson was seen with his best friend, Queen of Fashion Model, Raine outside the hospital of California Medical Center. The singer was seen that his skin color was now lighter and he's not the black American. Did the singer bleached himself? According to his brother Jackie, he has a skin disorder called Vitiligo. This disease caused his skin color to changed. We haven't got the singer's side about this topic. Up next--" The news anchor said.

"He's not bleaching his skin! Jackie is very true and the media is now turning Jackie's message upside down!!" I told dad.

"Honey, we both know what the real situation Michael has and we supported him. And we're not turning our backs on you guys."

"Thank you dad."

"It's breakfast time!" We heard mom said. Me and dad stood up and went to the dining table. We sat on our chairs and we say our grace and start eating our food. I got a pancake and bacon. While eating, we're just talking about their work and my work. Until, we heard our telephone ringing. I went to the telephone, which is on the wall, picked it up and answered.


R: Hello??

M: Baby, I need you.. I kept calling on your phone and you're not answering it. I just wanted to tell you that I needed you right now. I want you here in Neverland.

R: Baby, what's wrong??

M: I watched the news and they said that I bleached my skin! Baby, I just need you here. Please come, for me.

*He's now crying over the phone

R: Baby, I'm coming there, okay. Please wait for me.

M: Okay, be careful baby.

R: I will, I love you Michael and please don't do anything stupid while I'm not yet there..

M: I won't.. I love you..

R: I love you more..


I hang the phone and grabbed my cup of coffee and finished it.

"Where are you going??" Mom asked.

"Michael is starting to get depressed about the news awhile ago.. I need to go mom, dad. I love you guys."

"We love you too honey. Be careful, okay." Dad said.

"I will dad." I kissed their cheek and I went to my room and brushed my teeth. I left my hair on loose, I don't have time to tie it. I grabbed my glasses, my bag and my phone. I went down and got my other car key and went to the garage and got my car. I drove the car all the way to the Neverland. I arrived very safely and went out and locked the car. I went inside his house and I saw his chef, Jim.

"Jim, where's Michael??"

"Miss Raine, he won't even come out from his room. Then, the maids heard a noise that is a broken glass. We're kinda worried at Mr. Jackson."

"Okay thank you for telling me. I need to go see him." He nod his head and I immediately went to his room. I heard some glass shuttering and him screaming. I knocked on the door for him to know that I'm here at his doorstep. I tried to twist the doorknob but it's locked.

"GO AWAY!! I WANT MY GIRLFRIEND!! I WANT RAINE BESIDE ME!!!" I heard some sniffles in his room. I knocked again and tried to talked to him.

"Michael, baby it's me, Raine. Could you please open the door. I'll comfort you, please.."

"Okay.." He said calmly when he heard my voice. I heard his footsteps and some noise on the door and then, I saw him. His eyes were puffy and bloody red. His tears stained on his cheeks and I went to him and hugged him.

"They called me some bad stuff names and they even accused me of bleaching my own skin and---"

"Baby, don't cry and let's stop it. Don't forget that I'm always here and I won't leave your side forever. I'll be here, no matter what.." I broke the hugged and I grabbed his cheeks while his hands are on my waist.

"Baby, I love you no matter what the world says to you or no matter how you look. For me, you're still the Michael Joseph Jackson I've known since we were little kids and the man I've fall in love with. I love you so much Michael and to me, you're handsome and a beautiful human being God has given me and to all the little children who appreciate your innocence and simplicity. Please remember that I love you so much Michael. I really do love you.."

"I love you more Raine but this kills me inside. It's too much for me. I can't stopped the pain. I've taken a dose of painkillers and--"

"Don't!! Painkillers are risks in your health. What if one day you were overdosed by those things and you're gone! I can't afford to lose you Michael, I can't! What shall I do if tomorrow I see you in that hospital bed without a life!? Michael, please... You're killing yourself with those horrifying things. I don't want to lose you..." I felt my tears fell on my cheeks. I turned my back on him and wiped my tears. I felt him hugged my waist and kissed the crook of my neck.

"I won't take them anymore, just for you to stay and for you staying here beside me.." I held my face on the palm of my hands and cry. I felt him turned me around and he hugged me.

"I'm scared to lose you Mike. I'm so scared!"

"You won't, I promise.. I love you too much to see you in pain. Please stop crying.." I wiped my tears and I hugged him tightly. We just stayed there, standing and comforting each other the whole day.

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