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Some police are scattered around. They are like civilians. Troy won't notice it. Michael is riding with Sergeant Tom and Lietuenant Carly's vehicle. Before I go down, I called Michael's number.


M: Baby, please be careful, okay..

R: I will, I just want Aubrey to be fine and unharmed.

M: Baby, I hope everything will be fine..

R: Everything will be..

M: I trust you baby.. I love you so much..

R: I love you more baby. If anything happened to me back there, just hope that I tried to save our princess.. If I die there, just remember that I love you and Aubrey so much..

M: Baby, you're going to make it alive. You and Aubrey will be alive.

R: I love you so much Michael. This must stop now.

M: I love you too Raine. I love you so much..


Before I went out, I texted Troy's number and told him that I am here with the money he's asking. He told me to go out and go inside his old house. I went out of the car and held the black briefcase in my hand. I breathe first and tears are falling down my eyes. I started to walk to his doorstep. I knocked on the door and the door opened. I opened it slowly and went inside. The door suddenly closed and I got scared.

"You got what I asked for??" I saw Troy even though the house is pretty dark.

"I got the money, I need to see my daughter and get her out of here."

"Follow me." He got the briefcase out of my hand and he went upstairs. I followed him and he opened the first door and I looked at it and saw my princess on the crib. I ran to the crib and saw her. I immediately grabbed Aubrey and held her close to me. I cried softly knowing my daughter is safe. I smothered her with kisses on her face. Her eyes lit up and she smiled when she saw me.

"Mommy's here. I'm here baby girl. You're safe with mommy.." I hugged her and cried a little tears. I suddenly ran towards the main door. I am a fast runner so I ran a little fast. When I was out, he immediately grabbed my hair and I screeched in pain.

"Troy!! Let me go!!" I shouted.

"It's not that easy baby.." I immediately kicked his foot, elbowed him in his nose and kicked his crouch. I immediately went to the car, start the engine and roared out. I put Aubrey on my lap, sitting. I immediately called Michael and he answered immediately.


M: Baby!! They got Troy!! They're riding towards the jail. Me, Sergeant Tom and Lietuenant Carly are following your car.

R: Mike, I'll be stopping near Heaven Street. Come to the car fast and hold Aubrey.

M: I can go down now.

R: Okay, I'll stop right now. Come fast.


I stopped on the side and saw the other car on my back stopped as well. I hugged Aubrey first and smothered her with kisses. I saw Michael running towards the car and he went inside and got Aubrey from me. He closed the door and I locked it. Michael kissed Aubrey and he went near me and I held his face and kissed his lips. He broke the kiss and we kissed Aubrey's cheek. Aubrey giggled and we all smiled.

"I told you nothing bad will happen. You got some fighting skills honey. I love it!" He told me. Then, I started to drive back to Neverland.

"I thought I'm gonna die! But I'm glad nothing happened to Aubrey."

"Did he do something to you??"

"Nothing. He just got my hair when we were outside."

"How about the money??"

"I just left it. It doesn't matter now. That time, it's Aubrey's safety I'm worried. But now, I'm glad I got my baby again."

"Crazy way to start a year.."

"I know."

"Baby, Lietuenant told me that they will surely put Troy to jail in his whole existence."

"What about Janet??"

"I hope she understand that Troy isn't for her either. He will just ruined our family again."

"I hope so too babe." We just arrived here in Neverland. We got out of the car and I hugged Michael and Aubrey.

"I'm so happy that we're complete again." Michael said.

"Yeah. I love you Aubrey.. I love you Michael."

"I love you Aubrey and I love you too Raine, so much.." He kissed my lips and I felt his tears fell from his eyes. I broke the kiss and wiped his tears. We both walked inside the house and saw both family looked straight to the door and they were happy to see us with Aubrey.

"Bree!!" They all shouted. Mother got Aubrey and I saw Janet. She went near me and Michael.

"Jan, I'm---" I was cut off when she hugged me.

"It's okay sissy.. I understand everything that is going. I want our family's safety than Troy. I love my family more than Troy. Is he in jail?" She asked.

"He is now." Michael said.

"Ohh.. okay.." She went back to Aubrey and she kissed her.

"Babe, I gotta call Bill and tell him to tighten the security around Neverland. Day and Night." He said. I nodded my head and he went to his office room. I sat beside mom and they are now playing with Aubrey.

"Are you hurt dear?" Mother asked me.

"No mother. I'm fine, Aubrey's fine, Michael's fine, also."

"Good to hear that." Mom said.

"What happened to Troy?" Jermaine asked.

"He's in prison." I said.

"What kind of punishnent?" Marlon asked.

"Lifetime imprisonment."

"Well, this is a crazy way to start our family's New Year, huh?" Dad said.

"I know right. But thanked God for keeping us safe especially Aubrey." I said.

"Next event is your wedding right?" Jackie asked.

"Not yet. Aubrey's 6th month birthday, my birthday, Michael's birthday, Michael's released of his album then, the wedding." I said.

"Well, for now. Let's have a little something in our table for lunch because Aubrey is here, safe and sound. Raine and Michael's family is safe and complete again." Mother said while standing up, going to the kitchen.

"I'll help too, Katherine." Mom said while following mother.

"Sure Demi." Mother said.

"Us too!" Janet, Rebbie and LaToya said.

"Of course!" Mother said. I got Aubrey again and finally, Michael went beside me. Me and Aubrey cuddled to him and he hugged both of us securely.

"I will not let anything take away from me." Michael said.

"Me neither. This is what I always wish for!"

"So do I. I love you guys!"

"We love you too Mikey.." He kissed mine and Aubrey's forehead. I saw Aubrey starting to fell asleep so I held her in my arms and she snuggle closer to me. I kissed her forehead and I breathe in her lovely scent.

"I love you my princess. Mommy and daddy loves you so much.." Michael kissed Aubrey's forehead too.

"Daddy loves his little princess, so much." I am not lettting go my family, forever..

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