Chapter 9

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*Y/N's POV*

Today I'm going with the girls to the studio. I haven't really talked to Camila. Since me and Lauren got back together. I'm kinda excited to see her. "Time to go!" Lauren said, I hurried down stairs and tripped, my superhero Lauren caught me. "Thanks for saving me." I said pecking her lips. "Eh, no problem." She said, we got in the car and headed to the studio.

*Lauren's POV*

As soon as we got there Y/N was in such a rush. "Come on hurry!!" She said, dragging me into the building. We made our way to the room, "CAMILA!" Y/N screamed, Camila picked her up and spinned her around. I felt so much jealously. "I missed you!" Camila said, kissing her cheek, I just got more angry. "Yo, Lo. What's wrong? You look pissed." Dinah said sitting by me. "They're totally flirting!" I said. "Dude, come on you, over reacting I-" she said, I cut her off by slapping her shoulder. "Look!!" I said, they were rubbing noses. "Okay, that. That's flirting!" Dinah said, I got up and walked to the two. "What the hell?" I said, they both looked confused. "Your flirting with girlfriend!" I screamed, all eyes were on me. "I don't know what your talking about!" Camila glared at me. "STOP!! IM TIRED OF THE FIGHTING BETWEEN YOU TWO LATELY! OKAY YEAH CAMILA SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN FLIRTING! BUT SHOULD YOU HAVE BEEN IN BED WITH LUIS! CAMILA WAS THERE WHEN YOU WERENT!" Y/N yelled, the girls gasped. I felt myself become, ashamed, yet angry. "Stop staring damn it!" I said, and I darted out.

*Y/N's POV*

Lauren just darted out, and when I was about to go after her Camila pulled me closer to her. "Good she's gone." She said "CAMILA, for real! I know you were they're for me, but just as a friend.-" I began to say when Lauren came back in, and sat down. "Lauren's my girlfriend, an if you can't respect that. I can't hang around y'all. Any of you. I'm tired of the contest fighting over me. If I'm gonna cause this much chaos. Then I'm leaving, I'm sorry girls! This will have to be our goodbye. I love you all, I'm so sorry Lauren. I'm tired of fighting!" I said, I ran out, and ran to the car and drove to the beach.

*Dinah's POV*

"Girls, look. I'll go talk to her!" I said, grabbing my keys, and driving to the beach one of Y/N's favorite places to go when she needed to calm down. I walked over to a sand hill, where I saw Y/N sitting. "Y/N? It'll be okay!" I said, wrapping my arms around her as she cuddled into me. "Can I tell you something?" I asked, "Of course Dinah." She smiled at me. "One day, I spied on you and Lauren's date. And I got sad, cause I like you. And when you and Lauren were back together it killed me. I'm sorry you probably don't like me. But I understand. Camila told me what happened, I know you love Lauren. But, I'm tired of hiding it." I said, she smiled up at me, "Dinah, I might not like you as a girlfriend. But, I'll never stop being your friend." She said, that made me smile, she pushed our finger together and smiled at me. "I'll be back at the studio in an hour!" She said. "Okay! I love you!" I said, "I love you too Dinah!" She said, I smiled, and got up and left, smiling cause I finally got my feeling out to her.

A/N: SUPRISE! I told a couple of you it was Camila to throw you off! It was Dinah! Don't be mad please. How do you like this chapter?(:

Question: What's some good songs to listen to? I'm bored! With no music!(:

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