Chapter 13

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*Y/N's POV*

"I'm glad you get to come on this tour with us!" Lauren says. As we board the plane, Camila grins at me, while flashing me a wink. I know she still loves me, I mean it's obvious, even Lauren knows it. It takes 3 hours to get to Texas. As soon as Me,Lauren, and Camila get off the plane we hear yelling, most of them are fans. But we turn to our right and the girls are waving and screaming our names by the tour bus. "Y/N!!! YOU CAME!!" Dinah yells, jumping onto me and wrapping her legs around my waist, cause me to stumble at first. "Hey, Dinah!" I say as I sit her back down on the ground. I feel someone grab my hand, and turn around and smile to see it's Lauren. "Let me show you to your bunk." She smiles. As we walk up the bus stairs.

*Lauren's POV*

As we walked up into the bus, I showed Y/N to her bunk. "Here it is." I say pointing at the bunk. "I'm right under you aren't I?" She says, giggling. "You know it." I say walking closer to her. "I love Y/N!" I say, wrapping my arms around her waist while hers go around my neck. "I love you more Lauren!" She says, I love when she says that. I lean forward and kiss her soft at first. My hands lower down, and I pick her up, as her legs go around my waist, as we continue the kiss, we hear two loud coughs. We turn to see Camila and Dinah with their arms crossed. "Aww, there jealous." Y/N whispers. "Hello, were there." A cameraman says. "Shit. We have and awesomeness tv episode today." I whisper to Y/N. She smiles at me and drags me to the back lounge. I grin at how adorable she's being right now. I push her down on the couch. "Your being so adorable right now." I say straddling her, I catch her blush, as she uses both her hands to cover her mouth. "I do it, cause I love you." She says tapping my nose. I scrunch up my nose at the touch. "Stop being so cute Lauren!" She says, blushing. I swear that blush. "Only if you will!" I say, leaning down to kiss her, then her neck. "L...L...Laurennn." Y/N breaths out I smile as I raise my head up. "Yes?" I wink. "If your gonna sit here and tease me, i swear!" She says, trying be serouis. She flips us over, I'm a little taken back by this. She's never done this, I think I like it. 45 mins later it's time for the show. We all walk off the bus, and go to get ready, I'm all white with some black. "Hey Y/N?" I say, dragging her name out. "Yes ba-" she begins but her jaw drops. "What you think?" I ask, she just continues to check me out. "SHOW TIME!" Our Manger yells.

*Y/N's POV*

As I watched the show from backstage. I seriously couldn't stop staring Lauren. She just looked so...Beautiful, amazing, hot. The lists go on and on. "Sit yourself down, cause you know gonna fail, boy you better listen the words I said. Cause you ain't going nowhere, you ain't going nowhere." They sang, I just stared at Lauren dancing. The concert ended, "Y/N, what'd you think?" Lauren asked, pecking my lips. "Your all were amazing!" I said. Throwing Lauren a wink. "Were gonna go get changed, wait here." She said, the four others girls hugged me and followed Lauren. "Y/N?.." I hear the most familiar voice say, I turn around and it's a backstage worker. "Ryan?.." I asked, shocked at how he looked now. "Hey! Y/N!" He said, hugging me, I hugged him back. If your wonder who Ryan is, he's my ex. I broke up with him 3 months before I started dating Lauren. "Y/N.." He said, gripping one of my hands. "Yeah?" I asked, pulling my hand away, the four words that came out his mouth after that, shocked me. "I still love you.." He said, looking down. "Ryan, no. You cheated on me! Plus, I'm dating Lauren, no.. I..I..Can't." I said running away, past Lauren, Past the girls, past everyone. Tears in my eyes. "Y/N wait!" Lauren said and the girl chased after me, but I ran faster. Till I found a bench and I broke down. "What do I do?!" I sob to myself. I feel five people hug around me, I looked up and the girls were all hugging me, "What's wrong baby?" Lauren asked. "He said he still loves me, but he cheated, and I know what to do, I only love you Lauren!" I said still sobbing, "Shh, it's okay." Lauren said, picking up bridal style as I cuddled into her. How do I explain, that I still kinda love Ryan too..

A/N: Sorry for not updating, I've been really busy, one of my family members got shot and killed today. And I didn't feel like write, cause I'm sad, and depressed, but I sucked it up and did it for you guys. Because I love you guys! 😔😕

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