Chapter 17

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*Y/N's POV*

So today, I'm surprising my beautiful girlfriend of 2 years at one of her Summer Tour Concerts. I haven't seen her in a total of at least a month and 2 weeks, honestly it hurts to be away from someone you're so deeply in love with. So basically the plan of surprising her is, when the girls are singing Suga Mama Dinah is going to give me the signal and im just gonna run straight up to her. Not that good of a plan i know, but hey i haven't seen this beautiful girl in a month and two weeks. Give me a break.

It's now 3:00am, I'm waiting for them to call my flight, so I walk to where all the flight take offs are listed and realize that my airplane left an hour ago. "Shit" I mumble under my breathe. "This is gonna mess my surprise way up." I mumble again, grabbing my phone dialing Ally's number. "Hello?" She answers in sleeping voice. Oh crap I totally forgot it was 3:00am in the morning. "Umm, Ally? I'm so sorry if I woke you up. Its just that my flight left an hour ago and the next flights at 4:00am. It's totally gonna throw my surprise off hand." I rambled, pacing the airport. "(Y/N) chill out, you'll make it. The concert starts at 6:00pm, you have enough time I promise. Now can I go back to sleep I have glams in two hours." she whined. "Yeah, Thanks Ally. And sorry for waking you." I said in an apologetic voice, hanging up the phone. "Are you Laurens girlfriend?" a couple of teenage girls asked. "Yeah I am." I replied, giving them my mostly greatest smile for a girl that's only had an hour of sleep, "Oh. My. God. Can we have a picture please?" They smiled. "Yeah, of course" I said, as i stood up next to the girls getting in the frame of the phones camera. "Thank you so much!" She girls said, hugging me and walking away.

About ten minutes later I felt my phone vibrate showing my girlfriends name with a text that read "Why are you at the Airport babe?" I face palmed myself "Well shit, how do I explain this one?" I sighed, shaking my head at how stupid I was.

*Lauren's POV*

As I was scrolling through Twitter I saw I quick glimpse of my girlfriends face, I quickly scrolled back up to the picture. I saw my beautiful girlfriend with two teenage girls smiling. The caption said "Met (Y/N) at the airport. Best. Day. Ever." I was honestly so confused so I texted  her saying "Why are you at the airport babe?" it took about about two minutes for her to reply saying "Um, I don't know why am I at the Airport?" I giggled at how stubborn she is "To visit your mom?" I asked. "Yep(:" she replied. "Aww, okay. I love you." and after 20 minutes. I knew she was probably on the plane because I had gotten no reply.

"So you ready for tonight?" Dinah asked smiling at me. I rolled my eyes "Yeah, I'm ready. Tonight (Y/N)'s coming to surprise me" I smirked, as everyone of the girls froze at my words. "How did you find out?!" Camila yelled with wide eyes. "I saw last night that she was at the airport and then I texted her asking her why she was at the airport. She told me she was going to visit her mom." The girls groaned.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

It was currently 6:30pm and I was making my way to the back of the stage, when I ran into someone a lot more taller than me. I looked up and saw Big Rob looking at me. "Hey kiddo, what are you doing here?" he asked, ruffling my hair. "I'm here to surprise Lauren." I said, fixing my hair and started making my way to the stage entrance. I stood there waiting for Dinah's signal as they started signing Suga Mama, but I never got it. "Screw it" I said running on stage wrapping my arms around Laurens waist when she jumped, they finished the song as I swayed with my hands around Lauren's waist. "Well guys, as you can see my beautiful girlfriend here has surprised me." she said smiling at me, as I looked down at her pink kissable lips, that I haven't kissed in forever. "Just kiss me baby." she said smiling at me, as I crashed our lips together as the crowd went crazy.

I stood on the side of the stage as I watched my girlfriend and her band members preform the rest of their songs. As soon as they finished, Lauren ran straight toward me hugging me tightly. "I've missed you so much (Y/N)" she whispered in my ear, causing me to have butterflies in my stomach. "I missed you too Lauren." I said smiling, kissing her again. I looked over at Dinah "So, what happened to my signal?" I said playfully pushing her. "Lauren told me not to." she said innocent. "Alright who told her?" I said whining as they all pointed to Lauren. "What, how?" I asked looking at her confused. "I got my ways babe." she said smirking. "Yeah, I know."  I said pouting. She smiled grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers. "Don't pout, It's my weakness." she said looking at me adoring. "You're so cute." I said, pecking her lips. "Will you go on tour with us?" she asked, hopeful my answer would be yes. "Yes babe "I'll go on tour with you girls." I smiled, as I got suffocated by five girls group hugging me.  "I love you girls" I said, smiling as we all walked to the bus.

A/N: Well, I'm back you guys. Its been a while and I'm sorry about that, but I am back hopefully to stay.  I am okay now, and I think I'm gonna start writing again. I know I was gone for I while. But today, I was talking to someone and they made me think about writing again. And well here I am, thanks for helping me pull through you guys, It means a lot.

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