Chapter 11

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*Y/N's POV*

Me and the girls have been in the studio for 7 hours. "Girls I've gotta get something to eat." I said, Dinah and Camila both froze. What's up with them. "Can you get me something." Lauren asked. "Yeah, sure." I already know what." I said, walking out, an going to my car. Till someone pulled me in their car. "What the hell?" I screamed. "Shut up!" The voice said I knew that voice anywhere. Luis.. Out of nowhere someone opened the door of the car and punches where thrown everywhere. I saw the other guy, I knew who that was. It was David. All I did was run out the door. To find Dinah and both Camila, punching them.

*Camila's POV*

We just saved Y/N's life. But where did she go. "Dinah we have to find her." I said, "I know where she is!"Dinah said we got in her car and went to the beach. I ran out of the car, as soon as we got there. "Y/N!!" I yelled. "Over here.." Y/N said. She had her head in her knees, I ran over. Dinah followed. "Are you okay?" I asked Y/N. "No Camila. I could've died back there. You two could have to. There gonna get me eventually, I have a feeling. David, he made out with me, now he's teamed up with Luis. I can't keep running. Their gonna get when we all least except it." She said, I cuddle her, and Dinah did as well. "No they won't, because Me and Camila. Won't ever let that happen. We promise." Dinah said, and out of nowhere. I heard a gun shoot, and Y/N, limped up. "No!!" I screamed. "We got her RUN!!" I heard Luis say. "Y/N, wake up please." I said shaking her, "Camila, tell Lauren I love her.." Y/N said, she just closed her eyes, and wouldn't move, "Dinah, we gotta get her to the hospital!" I screamed, I picked her up and we drove as fast as we could. "HURRY DOCTORS, SHES BEEN SHOT!!!" I yelled, doctors came from everywhere. "Will see what we can do, we don't know if she'll make it or not." The doctor said before, they took Y/N away, I began to cry when Dinah hugged me. "CAMILA!!" The three other girls screamed. "Luis, he shot her.." I said Lauren began to break down. "Please god let her live." We all said, we couldn't lose Y/N. "Hello, are you Fifth Harmony? Here for Y/N" The doctor asked, "Yes!" We all said. "She's awake." The doctor said we all reached her room and came in.

*Y/N's POV*

I don't remember anyone, anything, why I am here. Out of nowhere, five unfamiliar girls came rushing through my room. "Y/N!!" They all screamed. "Who's Y/N? Who are y'all?" I asked, they all seemed heart broken after that, one green eyed girl came to my bed., "Your Y/N, I'm Lauren, your girlfriend! And that's Camila, and That is Dinah, and Normani, and Ally!" Lauren, I think that's her name said. "I can't remember.." I said, a tear going down my face. They all hugged, around me, "it's okay you will remember soon i hope. We'll just have to remind you." Camila said, I think. "I hope I do.." I said, the doctor Came in and said I could go. "Girls just show her some pictures, sing to her. Tell her things y'all did together, do things that all did before." The doctor said before we left and got in a car. "Please remember." Camila said, holding my hand, "I hope I do.." I said, then Lauren. My girlfriend, held my hand and kissed me. That was some what familiar I said in my head.

A/N: Yeah! New chapter. I'm sorry it's boring at first! But, hope you enjoyed!(:


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