Chapter 7

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*Y/N's POV*

I came home from getting Starbucks with a couple of my friends. "Lauren?" I said when I came in, no one answered. I went upstairs to the bedroom. I walked in and couldn't believe my eyes. "Y/N! It's not what it look like!" Lauren said. She was in bed with Luis. The one that had a fucking gun to my head. "REALLY?! CAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE MY FUCKING GIRLFRIENDS IN BED WITH A GUY THAT HAD A GUN TO MY HEAD!! BYE!!" I yelled and ran out the house. I called Camila since she was like just down the road. I was literally crying so hard. I mean wouldn't you if you found your girlfriend in bed with a guy that almost killed you. Camila finally answered, "Y/N?" Camila asked worried. "It's Lauren!" I said, cry harder. "What happened?" Camila said with a soothing voice. "SHE FUCKING CHEATED ON ME! I FOUND HER IN BED WITH LUIS!!" I screamed. "Come over please." She said. "I'm on my way." I said, hanging up. I literally cried the entire way there.

*Camila's POV*

How'd could Lauren do that to her. Shes such a sweet girl, I always had a special feeling for Y/N. I just never said anything, maybe, if I get her, I'll treat her a lot better. I heard I knock. I opened it and oh my god, she looked so heart broken, so sad. I pulled her in a hug, it lasted for a good minute. I picked her up legs around my waist, she was still crying soft cries into my neck. I layed her on the bed as I cuddled her,"Y/N, look. There's gotta be a reason why she did this. Maybe he forced her. I don't know, but. What I do know is you deserve someone, who doesn't hurt you." I said playing with her hair. "Camila? You love me don't you?" She asked. "To be honest, yes. I'm always had a feeling for you but I don't know. Maybe I was just jealous Lauren had you. And I didn't. But, I care about you a lot, more than the girls. And I've known them longer, it's just something about you. But yes I love you Y/N." I said, pushing our fingers together. "I love you too Camila." She said into my chest. "What was that?" I said playfully poking her, causing her to giggle. "I LOVE YOU TOO!" She said really loud. "I love you more." I said leaning in, our lips connected. "I guess there was always a little feeling for you too. I just didn't know right then. Like I do now." She said, my phone went off and it was Lauren


'Is Y/N at your house. I really gotta talk to her. It wasn't Luis, it was someone else.'

"Tell her I don't wanna talk to her, It just hurts to much." She begged.

"I won't." I smiled at her.

To: 'Lauren'

'Lauren, you hurt her, she's so amazing and you went and had sex with someone else. How on earth could you? She loved you with every bone in her body, you stuck up for her when haters hated. Then you do this to her. But, if you won't treat her right. Then I sure in hell will. And she doesn't wanna talk to you right now, she to hurt by your actions!"

I read Y/N the message and she smiled at me, "Thanks Camila! Your sweet!" She said, I kissed her cheek and we fell asleep. I really didn't care what Lauren texted after that. I think I made my point.

A/N: So, new chapter. Camila and you won't get together, you and Lauren will eventually get back together. Just wait till next chapter!(: Please don't hate me! Thanks for the idea!(:

Question: Who's your favorite out o the group?(: Mines Camila!<3

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