Hockey game

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"Cmon, please babe?" Your boyfriends has been begging you to go to a hockey game, and you weren't really in the mood.

You looked at him, and he was doing those irresistible puppy eyes that he always does when he wants something.

It's so hard to say no when he does that.

"Okaaaay. Let's go!" I say getting up from the couch I was sitting on.

"Sweet! I knew you would say yes." He said winking at you.

"Yeah, that's because you are so cute." You say and he chuckles.

You get your phone and keys from the coffee table and you were almost out the door when (Y/B) called you.

"(Y/N) come! I have to give you something!" He says as you hear him rush towards you.

When you get a sight of him it seems he is holding a blue sweater.

"Put it on, it will look great on you." He says smirking at you.

He hands you the sweater, and you unfold it. You could see it was a hockey jersey, with your boyfriend's name on it at the back.

This made your heart melt; although it was super cheesy. You still loved it.

You went in for a hug and kissed his cheek.

"You missed my lips sweetie." He says lightly chuckling, and you give him a short peck on the lips.

"I love it! I'm going to wear this all the time." You say as you put the jersey over your shirt.

"Happy to hear that babe. Let's go, shall we?"


When we get there, we show them out tickets and look for our seats.
"These seats are perfect! We get the best view of the game here." He says smiling at you.

"The game hasn't started yet, so let's get some food!"


In the middle of the game, you start to get bored since you didn't understand what was going on.

You weren't a hockey expert. Clearly.

You try your best to look like you knew what was going on, but (B/N) knows you too well.
"Don't stress too much babe.. just enjoy my cuddles." He says bringing you closer to him.

You leaned you head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around your waist.

This made things a 100 times better for you! You loved it when (B/N) cuddled with you. Especially in public.. he told you that he wants everybody to know that you are his, and that he is the luckiest man alive.

After a while, there was a break.

You looked up at the big screen at the top of the stadium, and some you could see some sort of kissing cam program going on.

"Hey, (B/N) look!" You pointed at the TV and he grinned.

"We are going to get there. Watch." He says and smirks.

After a while, you see the both of us up on the screen. Your eyes light up like a thousand stars and your heart beat speeds.

"C'mere sweetie. I love you." He says and kisses you on the lips passionately.

Everybody cheers and awws!

That was probably one of the best days you've had with your loving boyfriend.

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