Internet crush

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I sick obsession has been growing in your mind. You were lately obsessed with a guy you met when you were playing a multiplayer game.
His name is (C/N).

He was really nice and a really good player too.

You guys chatted on and on until he asked you for your discord since it was a app for gamers to communicate with each other.

But on the other side, you were scared to just- simply trust him. He could be nice and all, but what if he is just some old creep, and if not, a sick person who likes killing girls on the internet for fun?

One day, as per usual you were chatting with him again.
It was thrilling to know that you already knew so much about him. You guys live in the same country!

Scary, but thrilling.

He then asked you for a picture of yourself, of course saying that you didn't have to send one if you didn't want to.

Why don't you send me yours first?

You reply back, and he took a while to respond, and when he did it was a picture of a really cute guy- and that's when it hit you.


You didn't know what to say. For all you knew, if you reveal your identity to him, he'll recognize you and never want to talk to you ever again.

So.. how is it?

You started to panic and after 5 minutes of hyperventilating, you finally text him back.

Great! Haha.

That's the best you could come up with for the moment, so you don't look like a weird freak, you thought to yourself.

Your turn..?

When you see that you didn't know what to do. Should you send him a picture of yourself, or not?

After some time you decide to take a selfie of yourself.
You finger hovered over the send button and you could feel sweat trickle down your neck.

You hit send and threw your phone across the room.

Your heart started to beat as you heard the notification sound from your phone buzz in your ears.

You check back on your phone and read his message.

❤️ Oh, it's you (Y/N), I really wasn't expecting that. Btw you look really pretty.. I know this is sudden but not that I know this is you.. I really want to go out with you. Will go out out with me, (Y/N)?

You were in shock. You couldn't believe this was happening!! I must be dreaming! You thought to yourself, as you immediately replied with a yes and a red heart.

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