Friendzoned part 3

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[Ya'll really wanted a part 3... so.. here you go 😂]
(R/N) - Rival's Name
A year later

It felt great to finally finish high school.  You enrolled in the college (or university) you wanted with your former crush, best friend (C/N).

He was supposed to pick you up with his girlfriend so everyone can make their way there, but he was running a little late. You decide to call him.

After three rings, he picked up.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm running a little late. I had to take care of something. I'm on my way." He says souding very stressed.

"Oh, alright! Take it easy." After that you wait on your porch, enjoying the sunlight and the pleasant heat that came with it.

You continuously thought about last year, and how it (C/N) rejected you. You still had feelings for him, but you were able to put them aside, and continue your friendship with him.

You haven't really been seeing anyone, not much changed, other than the fact that he spends most of his time with his girlfriend.

You never really liked his girlfriend.. not because she is dating (C/N), but because she hates you for no reason. She tells you to stay away from (C/N), but of course you didn't listen to that twat, because he is your friend.

You then see his car pull up in your driveway.

He comes out of the driver's seat, and gave you a big bear hug.

"Hey (C/N), seems you are pretty nervous for college." You say.

"Yeah.. it's like a new world.. but i'm excited at the same time!" He says and you nod excitedly.

"Im excited too. Also, where's (R/N)? You said she was coming with us.." You say and he sighs.

"About that.. I came to tell you.. I broke up with her." Your mouth hung open, and you opened your eyes wide.

"What?! Why?!" You say in disbelief. This was pure bliss. This was perfect. Even if (C/N) didn't like you, you didn't have to suffer and watch him with another girl. It felt like weight off your back.

"I can't believe I've been so blind. You know when you are missing something, but it has always been right in front of you the whole time?" He says and you start getting a little confused.

"What do you mean..?" You ask.

"Ever since that day.. that you told me you liked me.." He starts, and memories immediately start rushing to your head. Memories that you wanted to forget.

"When I rejected you.. I felt something. I felt part of me had died.. but then I finally realized that.. I want to be with you." You gasped loudly and couldn't believe what he was saying.

Is he joking? But that would be a really cruel joke..

"I-I don't know what to say.. are you joking?" You say incapable of movement. All this time he has been feeling the same.

Your heartbeat speeds up and your breathings fastens as this is the moment that you've been dreaming of.

"Of course not. Why would I play with your feelings?" He says as he takes both of your hands in his hands.

Your face looks a red firetruck while he stares at you with loving eyes.
"Do you.. want to be mine? Forever?" He asks and you burst into tears nodding yes a million times.

You guys hug and embrace each other for a while until he cups your cheek and leans in for a beautiful kiss. It felt so good, you didn't want it to ever stop.

He pulls away and smiles at you.

"You are so beautiful (Y/N).."

Going through some weird stuff, but I'll be posting more often. I know I always say that, but for real this time. 😶
Let me know what you want to read next!

Toodles! 💋

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