Your hot boss

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L/N = Last name

You loved the way the sun shined through your window to wake you up.
It feels so warm, that it's fun and easy to wake up like in over exaggerated laundry commercials.

You woke up feeling replenished, because of the tea you drank last night making you sleep a million times better.

You also remember that today is your interview! You were in need of a job, and came across the (C/L/N) Enterprise.

You wanted to be a secretary, or a receptionist, but you didn't mention a specific position.

You get up, and take a shower with your favourite body lotion, along with your favourite shampoo.

You then brush your teeth, and dressed yourself in a dark blue pencil skirt, with a white button up. You wore your heals, and they looked almost new since you never wear them.

You cut your hair, and add mascara and make your way to your car.

On your way, you picked up some coffee and drank it along the way to calm yourself.

One there, there was a very tall building wind windows so shiny that it could blind someone.
You walk inside and people politely greet you making you feel welcomed.

You walk up to the front desk, and see a middle aged woman smiling politely at you.
"Good morning, how may I help you?" She says.
"Hi, I'm here for a interview with Mr. (C/L/N)."

She pushed her red framed glasses so it weren't almost falling from her face and looked into the computer screen.

"(Y/N) (L/N) right?" She asks and I nod.

"Alright, you will be escorted there, for now please take a sit and wait." She said, and directed her head to a very fancy couch with a coffee table with some magazines on it.

"Okay, thank you." You say and take a seat. The magazines all looked like those types of teen magazines where you see the latest drama about One direction, and read all about "Signs that your crush likes you."

Long passed those days that you actually liked someone for real. But one day, he moved away and you never saw him ever again.

You guys occasionally said hi to each other, but you always got the feeling that he was just doing that because he knew you liked him.

"Ms. (L/N) right?" A blonde lady came up to you.

"Yes." You say and start to get up.

"Right this way, Mr. (C/L/N)is ready for you."


After a few minutes, you arrived at his office and the woman wished you good luck.

You knock and hear a deep voice telling you to come in.

That voice was making you nervous all over again. I couldn't help but to flinch.

I get in and there is a tall man with his back towards me, but I could tell that he worked out or something because that white button up he was wearing was a little see-through.

I cleared your throat which made him turn around, and when he did you felt your head spinning.

Holy shit, how can someone look so good? He looks oddly familiar too.

"Hello, my name is (Y/N), (L/N)." You say trying to sound as professional as possible.

"Ah, it's you." He said smiling and you get super confused. You raise an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" You say, and he doesn't seem pleased with your response.
"Remember me? (C/N)?" He says and you widen your eyes covering your mouth.
It was your long lost crush! The guy you were thinking about when you were waiting in the lobby!

"Oh, what a coincidence!" You say sounding extremely happy.
"I think it was meant to be." He says and you aren't really sure what he means by that, so you just chuckle.

Your heart was beating with happiness and life. This has been one of the many deliciously happy days that you wished could last for ever.

"So, you are here for that job interview, right?" He asks and you nod.

{~After the interview~}

You were certain that you did well since you were now on better terms, and you think you were being professional at all times with exquisite vocabulary.

"You did very well." He said and locked the door.

"You think so?" You say excitedly.

"Of course! You were so professional. Also, I need to tell you something."
When he says that you get nervous and your leg starts to twitch a little bit.

"Yes, go on..." You say already knowing that he is going to mention something about your past with him in high school.

Something was definitely, and you had that feeling in your skin.

"All these years that I haven't seen you, I think my feeling just got stronger for you." He says looking deeply into your eyes.

"I got so angry when I had to move away.. it meant I couldn't see you anymore. You are still the beautiful girl I had eyes for." He places his hand on your cheek and smiled.

You felt your heart racing.

"Are you still interested in me, it's not too late for me to make you mine right here, right now." He said smirking and gave you a flirty wink making you flush a deep red.

"O-Of course I'm interested!"

Haha use your imagination to what happened next. Sorry to do you dirty 😂

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