Paper Notes

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Lately you have been getting paper notes in your desk about how lovely you looked.

The average person would feel creeped out by this, but you didn't know any better.

Because you already knew who they were from.

(Y/C) Of course!

He is your newest obsession, and you can't get him out of your mind.
He has just been driving you crazy, specially when you go and watch his football practice sessions.

He sometimes removes his shirt making your hormones go out of control. Your heart beat speed, and you immediately start feeling hot.

It was an amazing feeling.

You read the note, and a feeling of surprise rushing into your skin.

Meet me outside after school

You stared at his boyish writing and then put the note in your pocket.

You then sit at your desk anxiously waiting for school to end.

Your mind flew with all the kind of things that could happen.

What is he likes me?
What is he asks me to be his girlfriend?
What if he doesn't?
What I he..

You could go on and on, but you needed to pay attention to the teacher since you had a history test coming up.

But you just couldn't help it..


Finally! After school!

You ran out of your classroom until you reached you locker.

You stuff everything inside carelessly and rushed outside.

He didn't tell you where exactly to meet him, so you were a bit confused.

Maybe he is at the parking lot.. where he always is! You thought to your self.

You walked towards there, and you could already see his beautiful smile.
As soon as his friends saw you they walked off somewhere else.


You walked towards him and he grinned at you.
"So you knew it was me?" He says and chuckling and you nod.

"You made it obvious lover boy." You say and look away as you feel yourself blush.

"You too doll face." He says and you both chuckle together.

You felt so good just laughing, and being able to talk to him without squirming away.

"I wanted to ask.. since we both have geography in the morning and that test is coming up, maybe we could study at my place?"

When he said that your pulse was going at a rapid rate.
You were going to his house!

Speechless you just look at him with a smile.

"O-Of course!" You say. But then a feeling of unsatisfactory hit you as none of you were thinking happened.

"That's it?" I mumble to myself.

"What do you mean?" He asks me hearing what I said.

"Oh um. Nothing." I say and smile. I turn to walk away but he grabbed my wrist so I wouldn't leave.

"No, that isn't it." He says and before you could say anything his lips landed on yours, and you felt your skin getting red of excitement.

He put his hands around your waist and you shyly but your hands around his neck.

You guys continued to make out for a while then both of you pulled away.

"You are mine now, okay?" He says caressing your cheek and you nod with excitement.

"Yes, I'm yours now!" You say and pull him in for a hug.

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