Prom (part 2)

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At home..

You couldn't stop thinking about what happened, and you felt so happy you were pretty sure you hadn't smiled as much before.

You were dancing all around your room twirling and laughing.

You couldn't wait for prom. You couldn't wait to go dress shopping.

It's like all of a sudden you regained the colours to your life, shining upon all the things you didn't enjoy before, but now you realize that it's worth trying.

You fell on your bed, and started into the ceiling until you fell asleep..

Prom day!💕

Finally! The day that you were waiting for us finally here!
You already went to graduation in the morning part, so now it was just prom.

You had already bought your dress, and you were just getting ready.

You were just finishing your hair when you hear a knock on the door.

Your heart fluttered since you already knew who it was.
You rushed downstairs and opened the door, to see (C/N) with his beautiful face, wearing a suit making him look sexier than ever.

He was holding a bouquet of flower, and he hand them over to you, as he placed a quick passionate kiss on your lips.

"You are so sweet.. thank you so much (C/N) these are my favourite too!" You say smelling them and he smiles.

"I'm glad you like them, you also look really pretty tonight m'lady!" He says looking at you up and down like a price of meat.

You laugh nervously and place the flowers on a vase.

"Shall we go?" He sad snaking a arm around your waist.

"Of course!"


You arrive at the banquet hall, and you were just amazed with how beautiful everything looked!

You guys walked inside holding hands.

Everybody was surprised to see you together. Which just made everyone's attention on you guys!


After some time of just hanging out and having fun, the DJ puts on a slow song.
You look at (C/N) and he extends his hand and asked:
"Would you like to dance with me m'lady?" He says with a flirtatious smile.

You nod shyly and take his hand.

He put his hands around you waist, and you put your around his neck.

You felt the butterflies in your stomach, and the energy in your body.
You felt so good, it was just pure bliss.

"I'm so glad to be here with you. I really, really like you (Y/N).."

"Me too, I've been wanting to tell you for the longest time.. but I never could. I thought you would never like me.."

"Why not? You are so pretty... I feel like kissing you every time I see you. I love you, (Y/N)"

You giggle and blush, as he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, and he looks into your eyes deeply.

"I-I love you too.." You says and you share a beautiful kiss with him, in the middle of the dance floor...


Sorry for being so absent babes.😭
It's that tough high school life, 🥺

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