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Rival's name - (R/N)


It was last Period and class was almost over. You were just slacking off for the last minutes since there really wasn't anything to do, and the school year was almost over anyway.

Just in the last few minutes the intercome went on with a lady announcing that prom was within a week.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot prom is around the corner.
You thought to yourself feeling uneasy. You thought of staying at home, but you also didn't want to miss on such a important date of your life!

You also didn't have anyone to go with, and your friends were all going with someone and you most certainly did not want to third wheel, and even if you did go with someone.. You still wouldn't be satisfied...

Because you wanted to go with (C/N).

But he was already going with (R/N), which made you even sadder and depressed and not wanting to go.

The bell rings and you pack your things. You go to your locker.

You shoved all your things carelessly into your bag, and throw it over one shoulder.

Walking out of school, you were a bit surprised to see (C/N) and his friends. They usually never hang out outside the school, after school.

You shrugged it off, and continued walking, but you noticed that they were moving closer to you, and now you really wanted to know what was going on.

Your gaze met his, as he is looking right at you. Despite that moment being so short, it felt just right. You felt flustered and looked away.

"Ooooooo look! It's your girlfriend (C/N)!" One of his friends say pointing to your direction.

Wait what?

His girlfriend?

You looked around you but there was nobody else they could possibly be pointing at, other than you..

You feel your face heat up, and you fastened your pace.

"Hey! Wait!" You hear (C/N) which made your blood run cold.
You thought he was making fun of you and teasing you since he already knew you liked him..

He approached you and you tore your gaze away from him in embarrassment.

"Yeah?" You say still looking away and you hear him sigh.

"Look at me (Y/N). Please.." He says but you dont and continue to look away.

He takes your chin and makes you look at him in the eyes.
His shiny, charming (E/C) eyes..

You coild ses that he was starting to blush too, and he looked so adorable when he did.

"I'm not going to prom with (R/N).. I only announced that because I thought you were going with someone else... since you are so pretty.." He says not moving his gaze from your eyes.

"Would you do the honours...?" He asks and I could feel his nervousness.

"O-Of course! I'd love to!" You say and he wraps his arms around you and plants a short sweet kiss on your lips.

Stay tuned for part 2..💕

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