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[As you can tell by the title, this is going to be kinda sad and awkward, lol.]
Sorry for not writing in like.. forever. High school is hard and frustrating 😭

You've been friends with (C/N) for a very long time. Ever since you met him, he has been your best friend for life!
You guys did everything together. Your friendship with him was unstoppable.

Until.. you get to high school. Whenever you go to sleep, you always dream about him being your boyfriend, and that's when it hit you.

You are in love!

Now whenever you talk to him, you heart flutters and you start blushing a lot.
You've tried keeping this crush a secret.. but then, after 3 years, you've decided to get out of your shell, and confess.

Sure it took you a long time, but you were finally going to confess!

It was a sunny Friday afternoon.. although it was cold outside, the sun made everything colourful and warm.
You texted (C/N) asking him to meet you behind the school.
When he texted you back with the Okay, you rush there so you could be there first.

You waited there anxiously.. your heart beating faster with thinking about all the possible outcomes.

Will he say yes?!


Then you saw his tall figure. His hair done perfectly, and his pair of beautiful eyes staring into yours.

"Hey, (Y/N)! What did you wanna tell me?" He says with a bright smile, making your heart melt.
You just couldn't get the words that you had so perfectly planned to tell him, out of your mouth.

"I.. uh.." That's all you managed to say.. and you started to feel embarrassed, because you really couldn't say it.

"What's wrong (Y/N)? A-are you okay?" He says putting his hand on your shoulder, making you shiver.

You look down at your shoes and close your eyes.

"I like you!" You say with all the little courage you had left.
You felt (C/N) remove his hand from your shoulder, and he just stood there quiet.

You didn't know what his expression was since you were looking down the whole time.

"(Y/N).. I'm sorry I never told you this.. but I have a girlfriend.." He says..

After those words you heard a loud ring, and felt everything crashing down, and burning into ashes. Your heart had been broken with a sledgehammer, and all you felt was emptiness.

"I was just joking! Ahaha. I should get going." You say trying to hold back your tears as hard as you could.

Without waiting for a response, you ran before he could see your salty tears.

When you were sure you were out of his view, you burst out crying, letting uncontrollable tears stream down your face like waterfalls.
The more you wiped your tears, more and more came.

You walk home disappointed. Upon arriving at home you took a shower, and threw on your pyjamas.
You curled yourself up into a ball and covered yourself in some blankets.

You felt as if you were sick.

How come he didn't tell me earlier? You think to yourself. You also wondered how you never noticed he had one to begin with.

You hear your phone bus, and see (C/N) caller I.D, as "-Boo-".
Looking at it made you sick, and even more depressed. You didn't respond for the first 3 times, but for the 4th you picked up.

"Hello?" You say trying to sound like you weren't just crying.

"Hey (Y/N).. I'm really sorry.. I know how you feel.. I'm such a jerk for not telling you.." He says and you could hear a hint of regret in his voice.

"I said it was a joke! It's really alright.." You say.

"It wasn't. I saw you crying."


"Well.. my feeling don't really matter anymore.. I just want you to be happy, o-okay..?" You started to cry yet again and his side went completely silent.

You hang up and sigh heavily. You close your eyes, and try to sleep for a bit..

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