Cheated (PART 1)

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(Sad at first, as you can tell by the title but a happy end)

(N/N) = Nickname

You finally finish your shift at your local gas station, and you couldn't wait to see your boyfriend.

He said he was going to prepare you something nice after work.

Oh you imagined the possibilities.

It could be a nice movie and a bunch of snacks, or just a nice massage.

The more you thought about it, your urge to go home was growing bigger.

You took the bus home, and opened your front door dropping everything by the door.

"Babe! I'm home!" You yell, but you don't hear anything.

Confused, you walk in thinking it was just part of his surprise.

You kick off your shoes, and check your phone if he even answered your texts, which he didn't. Not like he ever does..

You decide to call him, and you could feel yourself getting frustrated.
He always did this to you, and you were fed up. He promised you things he never did for you.

You call him the first time and he didn't pick up.

"Oh you are going to answer." You say low and continued to call him multiple times until he picked up.

"Why the hell are you calling me?" He says in a hoarse voice.

"Excuse me?! I've been waiting at home for you, and you are asking why the hell am I calling you?!"

"Oh, I forgot I'm really sorry."

"Oh you are sorry?! That's what you always say when you screw up, I see no chan-"

"B/N can you hang up already? I want you~"

As you heard that you went cold and before you could start screaming and yelling at him, he had hang up the phone.

You felt devastated. It was clear you 1 year boyfriend was cheating on you, making your chest ache in pain.

You let a tear escape your eye, and before you know it, you are crying in the middle of your living room.

With anger you close the door behind you with force and lock yourself in you bedroom.

All sorts of thoughts floated in your head with what just happened.

You could hear your phone again, and your phone lighted up with a picture of your best friend.

It was him in a maroon hoodie doing a funny face.

You answered but didn't say anything.

"Hey (N/N), I got that new game we've been always dreaming about! Wanna play with me?"

You stayed completely silent and after a while you started to sob lightly.

"(Y/N)? Are you there? Is that you crying? What happened?"

You tried explaining to him what happened but he could barely make out what you were saying because of you crying.

He told you he was coming over, and in about 5 minutes there was a knock on the door.

You get up and open the door, and you see the face you wouldn't want to see that night.

"(Y/N), look I'm really sorry I-" You year your lying ex boyfriend which made you want to rip your ears off.

"Leave my house." You say.

"But please.. just-"

"I SAID LEAVE!" You say pushing him and he stumbles almost falling.

You then get scared with the expression of anger in his face.
He grabbed both of your wrists and pushed you inside.

"LET GO OF ME!" You yell fighting him away from you.

"You don't tell me what to do, okay?! I leave if I want to!" He yells and pushes you against the kitchen counter.

"NO, you are going to leave right now B/N. LET GO! THAT HURTS!" You say and he throws you on the floor.

"There happy?!" He yells.

"I came here to tell you I'm sorry and this is what you do?!" He keeps yelling in anger making you scared.

He picked you up from the floor and placed you on the counter again.

He started to kiss your roughly, and of course you pulled away but he'd only pull you closer.

"Stop it!" You yell kicking him.

Just then you see someone at the door, and you knew that it was your saviour, that came right in time...


Lol, funny story, actually I meant for this to be one part, but I guess I got carried away..

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