Friendzoned Part 2

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2 chapters just for you ☺️

*Knock knock*

You hear a sound waking you up from your sleep. It seemed someone was knocking on the front door.
You make your way to the door and swing it open, to see (C/N).

He was holding something, and he had an upset look on his face.

"Why are you here..?" You ask and he looks at you in the eyes.

"To make you feel better. I feel so horrible.." He says.

Why does he feel so bad, when he wasn't even the one getting rejected? You thought to yourself.

"Why? You shouldn't feel like that.." You say and he sighs.

"I mean, I feel horrible for rejecting you.. I-"

"(C/N), what matters to my is that you're happy. You shouldn't feel bad for saying no to me. I can deal with that. I'll live!" You say genuinely , giving him a weak smile.

"It's just.. we had such a good relationship, and now it's all weird.. and I don't want that.. I still want to be your friend (Y/N). I just want to hang out.." He says and you grin a little.

"Sure, come in." You say opening the door wider. He comes in, and sits on your couch.

A few hours later

You guys ended up having a great time together, just playing video games and chatting about life.
Although your feelings were still hurt, it didn't hurt as much as before.

"Well, I should get going now. It was nice hanging out with you." He says and you nod and smile.

"Okay! I'll see you at school tomorrow!" You say and wave at him.

He looks at you for a little longer and hesitates to leave.
"Wait. One more thing.." He says and walks over to you.

You were confused, so you thought he left something behind.
"You left something?" You ask but instead he kisses your cheek and takes off his hoodie and gives it to you.

You were shocked by his actions.

"It's just a little something. Anyways, see you tomorrow!" He says and leaves, leaving you speechless.

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