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oof normal story format

on another note ik they're moving fast but i'm a shitty author and idk how to go about this so forgive me pls

also jisung's texts are on the right and minho's are on the left. their names are what the other person has their contact name set to :)

minho stood in front of the mirror, checking his outfit one last time before he had to leave. he smoothed out every last wrinkle that dared plant itself onto his skinny jeans and green t-shirt. he threw a quick glance over to the clock on his nightstand, the bright numbers reading 4:52. he quickly grabbed his wallet, phone, keys, and army bomb from various places around his room, then made his way downstairs and to his car. he unlocked it and quickly clambered into the drivers seat. he gently laid his army bomb in the console before starting the engine. opening his phone, he typed jisung's address into maps and allowed his phone to lead the way.

after a few minutes, he pulled into jisung's driveway. there was a nice car sitting in the driveway. minho assumed it was jisung's, so he made his way to the front door. he raised his shaky hand to knock on the door. after giving the wood a few hard taps, he heard a bunch of crashing noises from inside and a faint "one second!". minho laughed and stepped back further onto the porch.

inside, jisung had been too busy looking at himself to notice the time. he was trying to make sure he looked perfect. i must look good for min-no! no him! bts! the thought that he wanted to look good for bts-and secretly minho-ate him alive. when he heard faint knocks from inside his bedroom, he practically slung himself around his room trying to collect all his things and get his shoes on. he screamed "coming!" as loudly as he could to assure his friend that he hadn't died. after a couple minutes of frantically finishing up, jisung finally made his way to his large front door. as he neared it, he felt his heart rate significantly speed up. in fact, jisung thought he was going to go into cardiac arrest right there. outside, minho wasn't much better. his nerves were making his insides churn, and after a few minutes of waiting, they had only gotten worse. jisung slowly reached for the door handle, mentally preparing himself to meet the most beautiful man he had ever seen...kinda. even though they had never met in person, they both knew that the other was ethereal. jisung's sweaty hand rested on the handle for a couple of seconds before he took a deep breath and swung it open, revealing an obviously nervous minho biting at his fingernails. as soon as the door opened, minho pulled his hand back down to his side and his eyes became the size of quarters. jisung knew his expression wasn't much better. he felt his mouth drop, his eyes widen, and his heartbeat speed up even more. after a few seconds of just staring, jisung finally snapped out of it and flung himself towards minho, his arms landing around minho's neck. minho reacted almost immediately, his arms tightly squeezing jisung by the middle of his back. at this point, jisung was hugging minho so tightly that the black-headed male's air was getting cut off,but minho didn't care because he was hugging jisung so tight that his feet were now no longer on the ground. after a solid minute of hugging, minho placed jisung back on the ground and jisung released his choke hold on minho. jisung was the first one to speak up.

"i told you we would have to have the phattest hug"

minho gave him the warmest smile as he replied.

"and if i'm not mistaken, i said you had a deal. geez that was amazing. i've not had a hug like that in a long time. it was so warm and squishy and-oh my god i'm rambling." minho quickly covered his mouth with his hand as he turned an unbelievable shade of red.

jisung just giggled and pulled him in for another hug, except this one was more calm and much less dramatic. when they pulled away minho took a few steps, mumbling a soft "let's go."

they both took their seats in minho's car. jisung immediately took the aux cord and started blasting bts. the two boys sang along with huge grins on their face as they made their way to perhaps one of the greatest days of their lives.

minho parked into his spot in the parking garage before the two started making their way to the venue. when the crowd outside started to thicken, minho intertwined his and jisung's fingers so they wouldn't get separated. both turned a light shade of pink, but were too distracted to give much attention to the matter.

they made their way through security and finally into the p1 section of the venue. to their surprise, they were actually quite close to the stage.

"this place is packed!" exclaimed jisung as he rotated his head to get a good look at the entire venue.

"yeah it is" minho agreed, also looking around.

soon, the lights went out and the concert started. the boys drowned out everyone else, including each other. other than making sure they weren't separated, they paid no mind to the other. they were too immersed in the concert and everything that was happening.

when the concert ended a few hours later, minho quickly grabbed jisung's hand again so he wouldn't be pulled away by the current of teenage girls. he led jisung through the sea of people and finally back to his car. when they got in, they finally turned to look at each other. both of them were covered in sweat and out of breath.

"we look like we just had the best sex in our lives" minho chuckled.

jisung's face turned a little red, much to his dismay.
"with our clothes on?"

"fair point" minho shrugged and started the engine.

he drove a little slower on the way back to jisung's house. he wanted to spend as much time with him as possible before they had to part again for who knows how long. they were once again blasting bts as loud as possible and still sang along the best they could. their voices were scratchy and cracked constantly because of all the screaming they had done, but they still enjoyed it.

alas, all fun must come to an end. minho inched into jisung's driveway and shut the engine off. both climbed out of the car once again and made their way to the brunette's doorstep. jisung turned to look minho in the eye before they had to depart.

"we have to meet again. this was amazing."

"i agree" minho replied, a slight smile adorning his gorgeous features.

jisung went in for yet another hug. this one was passionate, as a goodbye hug shall be. when they finally pulled away, jisung opened his large,wooden front door. he turned to a sad looking minho for the last time tonight. he gave him a quick peck on the cheek and quickly ran into his house and slammed the door. inside, jisung slid down against the door and held his flaming face in his hands. he was whispering light why the hell would you do that's to himself for a little while before he finally got up and headed towards his shower. outside, minho slowly brought his hand up to his cheek. he could still feel jisung's soft lips against his skin. he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks as he replayed the moment over and over again. finally, he shook the thoughts away and made his way back home.

jisung stepped out of the shower and got changed. he flopped onto his bed, taking one last look at his phone before he went to bed. as he was scrolling through social media, he got a notification from the boy he longed for now.

sweet dreams jisung
love you
no homo tho

jisung felt a faint blush rising to his cheeks. he quickly made his blush go away and replied.

goodnight hyung

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