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hi so i changed the title to wrong number so don't be shooketh or whatever lol

minho and jisung quietly entered jisung's house. jisung begged minho to go ahead and pack his bag and come stay all night with him, so of course minho did so without any question. they had bought minho's ticket and were out the door in 20 minutes flat.

the pair immediately went up to jisung's bedroom. jisung just wanted to sleep and minho just wanted to be there for jisung. neither of them cared that it was only 4 o'clock. really, they didn't care about anything right now. jisung was hurting so bad, and it was killing minho to know that there was nothing he could do. the best thing he could do was put an arm around his shoulders and tell jisung he was there for him. who cares if someone is there for you? you can't bring the person back and you can't take away the survivor's grief.

the boys changed into sweatpants and t-shirt's. jeans are overrated anyway. jisung flopped down on his bed and pulled minho with him. jisung snuggled his head into minho's chest and got as close as he possibly could. it felt nice to have minho by his side. even though jisung's heart was bleeding, minho was helping it as much as he could, and that's all jisung could ask for. he felt so safe with minho. it scared him a little, but not near as much as it used to.

minho was gingerly running his fingers through jisung's soft, brown hair. jisung was so close to falling asleep that he could barely keep his eyes open, but he had to get his last thoughts out before he drifted off into a deep slumber.

"minho..." jisung whispered sleepily.

"yeah, what is it?"

"do you wanna be my boyfriend? my dad was always waiting for me to bring a boy home to him ever since i came out. i never found anyone who meant enough to even consider taking them to busan. i want to introduce you to mom and dad as my boyfriend. you're the one i want to introduce to them. dad would've loved you so much. i love you so much..." jisung's voice cracked as he spoke. the tears were flowing, wetting minho's shirt, but he didn't care. after all, jisung's hair probably had a few tears on it too—courtesy of minho.

"of course. i'm so glad i'm the one you want to bring home. i'm so glad i met you. i love you so fucking much. i'm so sad i have to meet your parents in this situation, but i'm so glad i get to meet them." minho lightly kissed the top of jisung's head as he hugged him tightly.

jisung chuckled lightly through the tears. "okay, but no ho-"

"don't even finish that sentence." minho laughed, pulling jisung closer—if that was even possible.

i miss jeongin's braces so much i would literally give my liver to have them back but as long as my bby is happy i am too uwu

i fucking cried like a little bitch writing this LOLOL

wrong number ✿ minsung Where stories live. Discover now