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he had to know. his face said it all.

minho looks like he wants to crawl in a hole and die. honestly, i probably look the same way. i felt my face heat up as i quickly spun back around to face minseo.

"he knows."

minseo's brows furrowed as she spoke, "we just went over the fact that you don't know that."

"no, i know. i didn't, but i do now." i propped my arms on the table and shoved my face into my palms. fuck my life, honestly.

"well, maybe he's just nervous?" minseo said in a more questioning than reassuring voice. i seen her eyes trail over my shoulder to where minho was standing. she laughed awkwardly and smiled to the best of her ability. "well, gotta go, ji. my shift is still on. love you." she quickly got up and patted my shoulder. i stammered as she swung back behind the counter and started washing cups.

of course, minho was walking towards me. of fucking course! he took minseo's seat, coffee in hand. by this time, my face was burning so much i was sweating.

"are you just going to ignore me forever?" he asked firmly.

i coughed awkwardly. "if that was what it took, yeah i was gonna do that."

he scoffed and rolled his eyes. "wow, thanks. i mean, it's not like were drunk or anything. i'm glad you can just ignore me and act like i never existed instead of talking to me over something so stupid."

i finally looked up to meet his eyes. this time, i was the angry one. "talk to you over something stupid? listen, it might not mean shit to you, but it means a lot to me. i've never fucked anyone unless i loved them or planned on never doing anything outside of that. i don't love you and you don't love me. we're not even dating! and i'm damn sure you plan on keeping it that way. i get you don't care about sex, but i do. i care a lot."

he looked even more furious than before. "you think i don't care? i care a lot more than you think i do. i get it's something special to you, it is to me too. it's just stupid because we were drunk, and yeah, as you pointed out, we're not even dating. it's stupid because you think that should define us now. don't act like you're the only one that has the right to be shocked and confused." minho stood and started heading towards the door. i turned and watched him as he started to walk out. he turned and looked me straight in the eye. "and no one said i don't love you."

my mouth dropped to the floor, and i'm pretty sure minseo's did too. i turned back around and sat there for a minute processing everything that just happened. as i looked up, i noticed a coffee cup in front of me that's still hot.

bitch couldn't even be bothered to take his drink with him.

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