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jisung's pov

as i stepped off the train, the busan air hit me like a brick. just the smell of the atmosphere was enough to bring back so many memories. i inhaled softly, trying to keep myself from crying first thing. i felt minho lace his fingers into mine, causing me to smile slightly. even though i was so broken right now, he made me feel so much better.

we got a taxi outside of the station and told the driver the address of my parents'—my mom's—house. minho was yet to let go of my hand, which i'm glad of.

when we finally arrived, minho and i retrieved our suitcases out of the trunk and made our way to the front door. now it was a struggle to hold the tears back. minho took my hand once again, squeezing gently. i banged on the door and waited for my mother to come. i heard some rustling inside until finally ,the door swung open to reveal my disheveled mother. her eyes were bloodshot and dried tears could be seen all over her face. i could tell she hadn't slept the night before. i dropped minho's hand and took a step to embrace her. she immediately returned the gesture, squeezing me so hard i could barely breathe. when we finally pulled away, she turned her gaze to minho.

"is this minho?"

"yeah that's him," i said sweetly, turning to admire him a bit. he had a small smile on his face, waiting for my mom to say something.

her face almost immediately split into a wide grin. she moved to hug him, shocking us both. minho wrapped his arms around my tiny mother, laughing a bit as she embraced him. "thank you for being so amazing to my son. he truly loves you, i can tell."

both my face and minho's turned a bright shade of red. thankfully, my mother pulled away and motioned for us to follow her inside. in the living room, several members of my family were sitting on the various furniture pieces. two of my dad's sisters, my dad's mother, both of my mom's parents, and my older brother were present. they all smiled at me sadly as i grabbed minho's hand and pulled him to sit next to me on a loveseat.

after a day filled with funeral planning, tears, stories, and family hugs, i was killed. minho and i wished my mother goodnight and made our way to my old bedroom. as i pushed open the door that never failed to squeak, nostalgia hit me like a truck. i haven't been in this room since i moved out, and it looked like my parents hadn't either. it had only been about 18 months, but so much has changed since then. i've become a totally new person since i moved to seoul. i sighed and sat down on my old bed. minho quickly sat down next to me, but still admired the things i had left behind.

"is that your guitar?" he said, almost whispering, signaling at the instrument propped up in the corner.

"yeah, my dad got it for me for my 15th birthday." i replied fondly. my mind flashed back to the excitement i felt when he handed the stringed instrument to me. i had asked for one for years, and i was so excited to finally get one. i got so stressed out in senior year that i stopped playing it. i sighed sadly as the memories of my father pricked my mind.

minho silently pulled me into his arms as the tears involuntarily fell. i clung onto his shirt, successfully soaking it in tears. he didn't even seem to mind as he rubbed my back soothingly.


i'm thinking of unpublishing this a couple chapters at a time and rewriting. good idea or bad one? pls give feedback i need it

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