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jisung's POV

12 days later

i woke up with an uneasy feeling. it was one of those days where you just knew something would go wrong. nonetheless, i got ready and headed out to see minseo. i've been seeing her a lot recently. she's a really great listener and i love hearing her talk about jihye. it's nice to see her eyes light up at the mention of her girlfriend. i can tell she's really in love.

after i talked with minseo over coffee for her lunch break, i went back home. today would just have to be a movie day. i searched netflix until i came across a movie called 'to all the boys i've loved before.' that movie was popular months ago, but i really want to watch a sappy love story with hot american men playing high school boys. it's a really fun thing to do.

about halfway into the movie, my phone rang. i paused it and picked it up to see who it was. i furrowed my brows when i seen 'mom😘' on my screen. she never calls unless it's important. she just texts.

"hello? what is it mom?"

i heard a sniffle and immediately knew she was crying. "honey, it's your dad. there's been an accident. you need to come home."

it felt like all the wind had been knocked out of me. "what happened? is he okay?"

i could hear her cry lightly, which broke my heart. "no, honey, he's not okay. he's dead. he went out on a call and someone shot him."

my heart sank into my stomach. i felt myself start getting a little choked up. "okay. i'll head out tomorrow. i love you."

"i love you too, jisung." she said as she ended the call.

my dad was a cop. we all knew it was a dangerous job, but we never thought anything like this would happen. he had had plenty of guns pulled on him, i guess i just never thought it would happen to him. i quickly bought a train ticket to busan before the waterworks started and i forgot. i threw my phone onto the couch as a couple loud sobs escaped my mouth. i hate breaking down alone. i knew who i needed to see right now.

thankfully, minho's car was in his drive. i rushed to his doorstep as quickly as possible and banged on the door. i had cried the whole way there, and there were still a few unwanted tears leaking out of my eyes.

in a minute or two, minho opened the door. he looked very confused, and slightly annoyed once he seen who it was.

"what do you-" his eyes widened as a couple sobs made their way out of my lips.

minho quickly grabbed me and pulled me inside, closing the door and pulling me into a tight hug as i cried uncontrollably. now i wasn't just crying about dad anymore. this was about my father and minho hating my guts.

"shh shh shh...calm down. breathe sungie. what's wrong?"

i pulled back just enough to try to talk. "dad...died...and you...hate me...i..can't...deal anymore." my words were annoyingly cut off by me trying to breathe and calm down. i could barely talk and when i did hiccups interrupted me constantly.

"listen...i don't hate you. come sit down and tell me what happened."

i sat down and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself as much as possible so i could actually talk.

"he's a police officer. he went out on a call and someone shot him. that's all i know. mom didn't tell me much. i have to go to busan tomorrow." the tears started flowing again. minho wrapped me in a hug, sighing sadly.

"i'm so, so sorry. i'm glad you came to me. listen, i know it hurts like hell even though this is just the beginning. you'll get through it...and i'll be here with you." he said sympathetically.

i pulled away to look at minho. his words hit my heart. i finally realized something. i like him. a lot. i'm crazy over this bitch. i leaned in quickly and pecked him on the lips. i didn't want anything more than that. now isn't the time. i just need him and i'm glad he's here. i ducked my head under his chin and snuggled into him as the tears silently flowed.


he hummed in response.

"will you go with me to busan tomorrow? i don't want to go by myself." i said quietly.

"of course. you're going by train right? what time does it leave?"


i hugged him even tighter. i'm never gonna let him go again.

DID SOMEONE SAY DOUBLE UPDATE? yeah no one said that but fuck you i did it anyway. this was sad as shit idk why i did this.

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