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as soon as jisung received minho's latest text, he rushed out of his house and into his car. he didn't care he was just wearing a black hoodie and some boring jeans, he was just ready to see minho. it killed him that they hadn't messaged in three days, especially since they ended on a bad note. he just needed to see minho, and minho needed to see him just as bad.

at minho's house, he was inside throwing things about, trying to make his house at least decently clean. with all the shit with his sister and jisung happening, his house wasn't currently in the greatest shape. sighing, minho decided to just give up and leave it. he needed to freshen himself up anyway.

after a car ride that seemed much longer than it really was, jisung pulled into minho's driveway. he clambered out of his vehicle and walked up to minho's door, his nerves secretly eating away at him. he took a deep breath and reached up to harshly bang on the door. after a couple seconds, the door opened to reveal an obviously tired minho. you could tell he was stressed and hadn't been sleeping much.

they stood there for a moment, silently looking into each other's chocolate brown eyes. jisung moved forward, wrapping his arms tightly around minho's neck. minho immediately responded, squeezing jisung's waist. jisung felt so bad. he had snapped at minho and probably made his week even shittier because he didn't even bother to see what was wrong. minho was hurt, even after jisung apologized. he knows that he started it and that he's being dramatic over the whole thing, but all the stress has really been getting to him. he's just glad he has jisung back. he and jisung needed their best friend.

when they finally pulled away, they were both speechless. should they apologize? should they hug again? should they go inside? minho finally made that decision.

"come on, let's go in the living room." minho whispered, taking jisung's hand and gently pulling him in the door. jisung just nodded and allowed himself to be led by minho.

anyone could tell jisung felt guilty. he had a prominent pout on his lips, his eyes were glossy, he was quiet, and he couldn't seem to meet minho's eyes. they sat comfortably on the couch at a close proximity, but the atmosphere was pretty awkward.

"how's your sister?" jisung finally managed to meet minho's eyes.

"she's gonna be okay eventually....but it'll be a long road."

you could tell this was a sensitive topic for minho. his eyes became glossier and his entire mood just went down.

jisung sighed and scooted closer to minho, wrapping his arms around him to encase him in a loving hug. minho immediately responded, hugging jisung back tightly.

"life fucking sucks, ji"

"yeah it does minnie"

they pulled back slowly, looking into each other's deep brown eyes longingly.

"but you make it a little bit better," minho said, slowly leaning in.

they both knew what was happening. what they both secretly wanted the whole time was actually happening. their lips met, and jisung almost immediately started kissing back. it wasn't heated or needy, it was just a passionate kiss between two boys who were in emotional turmoil.

jisung pulled away abruptly, his eyes wide and jaw practically touching the floor.

"i-i should go...bye minho" jisung said swiftly, grabbing his keys and jumping out the door. he was on the sidewalk quicker than lightning, leaving minho in the dust.

"but you just got here..."

minho sighed, reaching to cradle his face in his hands. what the hell was he thinking?! that was a shitty idea. plus, they were both upset so who gives a fuck.

when jisung got home, he thought for the first time since he rushed out the door. he had been wanting this for so long, so why did he resent it? it wasn't like he didn't like it. no, he absolutely loved it. maybe that was the problem. he didn't want to love it.

whatever it was, they were both fucked up.

me after writing two sentences

i have no idea what i just wrote but you know what it's fine

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i have no idea what i just wrote but you know what it's fine

stan lil peep folks

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