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jisung's pov

i woke up with a jolt. i was in someone else's bed with only my boxers on. not to mention, my head was pounding, my ass hurt, and i feel sick to my stomach. my heart was racing with fear and anticipation. i could feel a toned chest touching my back, but bringing myself to turn and see who it belongs to is proving to be difficult.

finally, i slowly rolled over, trying not to wake them. my heart felt as if it had stopped beating altogether. minho. of course, i fucked minho. i sighed heavily. well, the deed is done. might as well accept it.

i very carefully eased myself out of his bed. minho seemed to be knocked completely out, so i was thankful for that. i grabbed my clothes and slipped them on as quietly as possible. i took one last look at the man laying in his bed peacefully before i made my way downstairs. when i got in his living room, i sat down on his couch and pulled out my phone. i ordered an uber, and luckily i only have to wait 7 minutes until he gets here.

he finally arrived, so i opened minho's big wooden door and locked it before i was on my way back to my house. fuck, he's gonna be so mad.

minho's pov

i jerked awake to the unique sound of my front door being locked and closed. i quickly sat up, trying to collect any memories i had left of what the fuck had happened. i was naked except for boxers and i felt like i had died and came back to life in zombie form. i looked around. the sheets to my left had been pulled back and were still faintly warm. my clothes were thrown across the room and dirty sheets and a couple towels were in the laundry basket next to my dresser. great, i fucked somebody. i threw off the covers and tried to get my brain flowing so i could piece last night's activities back together.

i made my way downstairs to the kitchen. i poured myself a cold glass of water and got some medicine to ease my headache. putting my head in my hands, i tried to remember anything, anything at all. i groaned. i was still half asleep and my brain was just television static.

i got up and went back to my room to retrieve the basket and wash my dirty laundry. as i opened my door, i caught a glimpse of a foreign object on my nightstand. as i moved closer, i noticed it was a ring. coincidentally, the same ring jisung was wearing yesterday. i picked it up and examined it. suddenly it clicked. i dropped the ring, hearing it clatter on the wooden surface. i fucked jisung.

idk what i'm doing anymore but yolo

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