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jisung's pov

it's been a week since i last spoke to minho. i'm not mad, and honestly i'm not disappointed either, but i can't say the same for minho, so i  just kept to myself. i miss him, but what can you do? at this point, i don't even know if i want to talk to him. how do you just go back to normal after having drunken sex with someone you've never even thought about having that type of relationship with? yeah, i've had my fair share of fuck buddies, but minho was no fuck buddy or friend with benefits. my mind was a mess, so i decided to go see the one person i know could listen to my struggles: minseo.

i walked into the cafe she works at, smelling the sweet aroma of coffee and treats around me. i quickly spotted minseo working behind the counter, so i went up to order.

"one blueberry milkshake with a side of your number" i smirked, doing a weird voice.

minseo looked up and rolled her eyes.

"ha ha, very funny. i'll be out in a second."

i chuckled and found a random booth to sit in. in a few minutes, minseo joined me, two milkshakes in hand.

"so, what's up?" she inquired, "you look troubled, my son."

we both laughed at the last part for a split second, but quickly fell into a more serious quietness. i brought my eyes up to meet her own, trying to figure out how to word what i'm about to say. i decided for short, sweet, simple, quick.

"i fucked minho. not fucked him over or anything else that fucked is a meaning for. as in he put his penis inside of me. as in like male sex."

minseo's eyes widened significantly as she choked on her milkshake. in about 5-10 seconds, she had regained her composure and gave me the sternest look i've ever seen.

"i don't know whether to be disappointed or throw a party," she said, scarily monotone.

"probably disappointed because we've not spoke in a week and i doubt after that we ever will again," i explained, sitting my empty glass cup on the table. stress slurping really doesn't look good on a man.

"in that case, i am disappointed. how did it even happen though? he seems like the kind of guy that's such a hardass that he wouldn't even let you give him a blowjob."

i folded my hands in front of me and cracked my knuckles, bracing myself to explain everything using grand hand gestures.

"okay so basically we went to the club and we got hella fuckin wasted so then we went back to his place because i was being a little bitch and then i said something about texting my boyfriend that i don't have and he went to grab my phone and suddenly he was on top of me and then we were in his room and then we had 10/10 sex and then went to sleep and then i woke up and got an uber and went home and now here we are one week later."

minseo nodded, soaking up every last detail. after a few moments, she finally spoke.

"well, that doesn't sound so bad. i just have one question though. are you sure he knows it was you? because like, you were gone. i can tell you've remembered everything, but he might not have. maybe he's just waiting for you to text him or something."

for once, i was speechless. i hadn't thought of that. i just assumed he knew it was me and is now obsessively cleaning his genitals. i heard the bell above the cafe door jingle in the back of my mind, but people come in here all the time so i just ignored it.

"or maybe there's some freaky glitch in the matrix shit happening right now and he just walked in the door."

my eyes widened in horror as i slowly turned around to see the one and only lee minho in line at the counter.

and he was looking at me too.

hi i'm depressed as fuck so i decided to write this lol


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