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jisung adjusted his hair for the nth time, trying to make it look perfect. he sighed in annoyance when his hair flopped back to his previous position. groaning, he decided to just forget it and leave already. he swiped his phone, wallet, and a piece of gum off his dresser before he headed downstairs and grabbed his keys off the counter. he made his way outside to his car, quickly climbing in.

i'm on my way :))))

sorta satan:
i'll be waiting
read 2:24pm

jisung shoved his key into the ignition, hearing the sound of his vehicle roaring to life. soon enough, he was taking the route to minho's house. his mind and heart were racing, much to his confusion.

after what seemed like an eternity, he arrived at minho's basic looking house. dusting his hands on his jeans, he slammed his door shut and walked to the door. giving it three harsh knocks, he waited for his friend to open the door.

in mere seconds, the door swung open to reveal a smiling minho. jisung quickly smiled back before he was wrapped in minho's tight embrace.

"hey, i missed you" minho whispered to a squished jisung.

"i missed you too" jisung chuckled, his voice muffled due to his face being buried in minho's shoulder.

minho pulled away, grabbing jisung ever so lightly by the jaw.

"okayyy...you didn't go for makeup i see. i like it." minho stepped back even further, eyeing jisung up and down. "i like your outfit;those jeans look nice on you. your hair looks nice...i lowkey wanna pet it. you smell sweet, i like that cologne. oh, and i'm definitely glad you're here. you look pretty normal to me. i like it. you should keep that look."

jisung's jaw that was in minho's soft grip just moments ago was now gaping so much he thought it was for sure about to hit the ground.

"i-uhmmm-i-wow...i don't know what to say..."

"say nothing and come inside. it's cold out here."

minho stepped into the entrance, holding his arm out to signal for jisung to go inside. jisung took the hint and walked in, sliding his shoes off. minho shut the door before looking jisung in the eye with a blank expression.

"are those strawberries on your fucking socks?"

jisung looked down with wide eyes to find out that he was indeed wearing strawberry socks.

"i-i uh guess they are..." jisung replied with an uneasy feeling.

minho still kept eye contact with that deathly face. jisung gulped, scared about what minho was about to say. was he going to make fun of him? what do socks even have to do with anything? is he going crazy?

minho unexpectedly broke out into a goofy grin, grabbing jisung by the shoulders and shaking him slightly.

"oh my god sungie, they're so cute! where did you get them?! i need some!!! ohhh my god did they have some with bananas?!"

jisung was too shocked to even spit out a response for a few moments.

"they were a birthday present...but now i know what to get you!! also, sungie? where did that come from?"

"sorry, i got excited...i won't call you tha-"

"no you asshole you better fucking keep calling me that that's the cutest shit i've ever heard and UGH you make my heart do weird things" he captured minho in another tight embrace.

minho's breathtaking laugh filled the room as he and jisung shared a playful hug. pulling away, still smiling, minho gave jisung such a childish look that jisung melted a bit inside.

"sungie let's watch a movie!"

jisung nodded in agreement as minho sped off to his bedroom, jisung keeping up with him the best he could.

minho rummaged through his basket of disks, pulling out three for jisung to choose from.

"okay, we have iron man, dunkirk, or brave - your choice."

jisung immediately pointed to brave, feeling disney vibes from the current situation. minho nodded and placed the other disks in the basket before popping brave into the tray.

minho flopped on the bed next to jisung, opening his arms wide.

"sungie let's snuggle!" minho giggled.

"you're so lovable today and it's scary," jisung chuckled as he slid in between minho's muscular arms.

"minho i can't see the screen."

"oh right."

minho and jisung repositioned to where jisung's head gingerly rested on minho's chest with the latter's arm firmly around him.

about halfway into the movie, jisung felt himself start to doze off. as much as he tried to fight it, his eyes began to close as he drifted into a deep slumber.

"jisung that movie was so-" minho stopped abruptly as he realized jisung was sleeping on his chest.

he chuckled and reached for the remote to turn the television off. after the tv lights turned to black, he laid jisung's head on a plush pillow before rolling on his side and cuddling jisung protectively. soon enough, they were both fast asleep in each other's arms.

i'm sorry i've not been updating and stuff i'm just stressed out of my mind and my emotions are fucked but here's this short fluffy chapter that doesn't fit the story at all

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