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jisung's pov

it was ten after three. i pushed open a glass door littered with ads, hearing a bell jingle lightly above me. i decided to be fashionably early for once, which was probably a mistake but whatever. i needed to catch up with minseo, anyway. minseo was a friend i made in high school and one of the few i kept. i've only been graduated for a couple months though, so that may not last. she smiled as i made my way to the counter, draping the towel she had in her hands over the sink.

"ji, i've not seen you in ages!"

"you seen me a couple weeks ago,min" i chuckled, propping my elbow on the counter.

i'm not gonna lie, minseo is beautiful. she has silky black hair that reached the curve of her spine, big doe eyes, plump lips that were the perfect shade of pink, and a gorgeous body. even though i've always thought she was very pretty, we actually bonded over our gay tendencies. weird, right? probably, but we just enjoy our time together talking about our new love interests.

"go over and grab us a seat and i'll make us some smoothies. blueberry, right ji?"

i nodded and smiled brightly at her. "as always,min. i'm glad you didn't forget yet."

she looked up from the blender and rolled her eyes playfully. i shook my head and headed over to an empty booth. i pulled out my phone, mostly checking to see if minho had said anything back. of course, he didn't. he had simply left me on read like usual. so, i really don't know if i should expect him to walk through those doors or not. whatever, i need time with minseo anyway.

minseo joined me a couple minutes later. sitting my blueberry smoothie in front of me, she took a seat and started sipping on her own strawberry one.

"so tell me, ji, what's up? you've looked stressed ever since you got here."

i began to protest, but just gave in and decided to go ahead and tell her everything.

"so, i've been talking to this guy," her face lit up immediately, curiosity filling her eyes "his name is minho, he's 20, and he's from seoul. i accidentally texted the wrong number and turns out it was minho's. we started talking a bit and we've gotten really close. we even went to the bts concert together. the other day he was being really weird and kinda rude, so you know i was a total asshole to the poor guy. well, turns out his sister had got into a car accident, so of course i felt hella bad. so, i went to his house to kinda make up for me being a bitch. wellllll, he kissed me. i was totally fine with it, just a bit scared and taken aback. i left really quickly because i was embarrassed. we've not talked since then, so i texted him to meet me here at 3:30."

minseo looked speechless as she processed what i just told her.

"jesus christ, jisung"

"i knowwww. enough about me though, tell me about you and jihye!"

minseo's cheeks dusted a shade of pink at the mention of her girlfriend. they had been dating for a little over a month and honestly they were the cutest couple i've ever seen.

minseo began to tell me about everything that had happened since we last spoke. i leaned forward and listened intently to what she was saying.

she went on for about 10 minutes about this and that. i loved hearing about minseo's love life. it was truly interesting.

"and her brother really doesn't-"

she was cut off by the obnoxious ringing of the bell over the door. i looked at the clock over her shoulder. 3:30 sharp.

"heyyy sungie...what does this minho guy look like?"

i looked at her weirdly as i spoke about minho's breathtaking figure.
"he's got really pretty black hair, the slightest bit taller than me, skinny but also thicc at the same time, ya know? ohh and he's super fashionable. he's got the cutest smile ever. i absolutely loveeee his eyes! there's so brown and soft. he's truly a show stopper."

i hadn't bothered to pay attention to the nervous look on minseo's face, which was a huge mistake. i heard someone lightly clear their throat over my shoulder. i quickly spun around, coming face to face with lee minho.


i heard minseo get up and grab our empty glasses.

"well ji, looks like your date is here. minho, would you like something to eat or drink? it's on the house."

minho gave her a light 'no thank you' before swiftly taking her seat.

"okay, let me know if you boys need anything. sungie, call me later bitch"

"will do, min"

and with that, she walked back behind the bar and began making orders.

"date,huh? who was that anyway?"

my face flushed a deep scarlet at the sound of his voice that i had longed to hear for days.

"that's minseo. she's really dumb sometimes, so don't mind her."

he just nodded, dropping the subject.

"so why did you ask me to come here? i hope you didn't just want to have a staring contest." his tone was slightly sour and his eyes were intimidating.

"because you've not talked to me for days over something as silly as that. really, it's kinda childi-"

"it's not fucking childish, jisung! i kissed you. a real, genuine kiss that meant at least a little to me. yes, i was hella emotional, but it still meant something! i didn't message you because i knew i fucked up. it didn't mean anything to you, right? you don't have any kind of feelings toward me whatsoever. i'm sorry, jisung, i really am, but i can't just sweep it under the rug." his voice was cold and his face held so many unspoken emotions.

i was silent for a few moments. i was beyond taken aback.

"how could you assume it meant nothing? i've been waiting for that for a very long time. i was just surprised and scared you'd regret it -which you obviously do- so i jumped up and left. hell, i didn't really believe you liked guys until then. this is just a huge misunderstood mess."

"sungie, i think we both just need time to process this. i'll message you later."

and with that, he scooted out of the booth. he came over to my side, leaned over, and kissed me softly on the cheek.

as the bell sang its tune, minseo came back to fill minho's now empty seat.

"i can't tell if that went good or bad"

"me neither, min."

hello i'm just gonna clear a couple things up

minho and jisung have a lot of conversation outside of what i post. they're pretty close by now. i just really don't wanna spam with unnecessary texts. i'm sorry if it seems like they're moving too fast, but they're really not.

another thing, i'm sorry for my updating. i'm finding it harder and harder to write. not just for this book, but for everything. i also apologize for how patchy this storyline is. my updates really don't match the original plan anymore and each one really had a different mood and the characters act differently.

sorry if none of this makes sense it's literally 2am lolol

please comment or dm me questions if you have any!

also, lmk if i made any mistakes bc i'd really like to fix those lmao

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