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jisung's pov

minho pulled into one of the club's parking spaces and turned the key. he was in really skinny, black jeans with a white and black striped shirt. simple, yet perfect. i'm in dark blue jeans with a yellow and black graphic tee. also simple, not quite perfect though. minho leaned back and turned to look at me.

"stay put for a second"

confused, i just nodded. he stepped out of the car and shut the door. my confusion only grew as i seen him walking around the front of the car. he soon reached my door and gave it a tug so it swung open. he put his arm in front of his stomach and done a half bow.

"after you my lady" he smirked, knowing that would irk me.

"oh fuck you" i murmured, quickly getting out of his car so we could go inside.

even from the parking lot, i could hear the music thumping along with the hard beating of my heart. i don't know why i'm so nervous. maybe because we're meeting minho's friends, or maybe it's just because i'm with minho in the first place. whatever it is, my heart is about to run away.

we showed the bouncer our ids and were quickly let into the nightclub. there was a bar, a stage with strippers dancing, a curtain leading to the private rooms, and a shitload of people drinking and dancing to the music. minho grabbed my hand to lead me to the bar with him. i'm glad he did because if he asked me to follow him i probably couldn't have heard him. we both ordered bottles of soju and started sipping on them. he grabbed my hand again and led me to couches in the corner of the room, where i assumed his friends were sitting. sure enough, five guys who looked to be in their 20s were sitting there with their various drinks chatting among each other. minho sat down in an empty spot next to one of the guys, pulling me down with him.

"minho! you made it! is this jisung?" a tall, black headed guy asked.

"yup, this is him. jisung, that's johnny," the tall guy waved, a small smile adorning his face, "that's changkyun," a brown headed guy waved slightly, barely looking from his phone, "that's joohyuk," another brown haired guy gave me a nod, his hair falling into his face, "that's jongsuk," another tall black haired guy smiled, showing his gorgeous teeth, "and that's yixing," yet another black haired male smiled and waved, showing his cute dimples.

"he looks like an alcohol virgin" changkyun smirked, looking me up and down

i scoffed as minho laughed. "really? you think so?" i challenged, watching his eyebrows shoot up in curiosity.

"mhmm. so far you've barely even touched that." he replied, gesturing towards my soju bottle.

"you don't even know, changkyun." i pressed. minho looked like he didn't know whether to intervene or laugh.

"oh, prove me wrong then, twink." he raised an eyebrow and his smirk widened.

i rolled my eyes. keeping eye contact for a split second, i brought my bottle up to my lips and began to chug. i just kept pushing and pushing the bitter, quite frankly disgusting, liquid down my throat while viciously breathing through my nose. once i felt the bottle was empty, i slammed it down on the table in front of me. everyone's jaw looked like it was about to hit the floor.

"okay, you win" changkyun put his hands up in defeat, leaning back and getting on his phone again.

everyone quickly returned to their own business as i finally relaxed and leaned into the couch. minho was giving his input on jongsuk and johnny's conversation while i just sat back and listened. eventually, minho leaned back as well, his mouth finding their way next to my ear to say something.

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