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this is such a terrible situation
i'm sorry i had to put us in this mess

it's not your fault
i think we're both just confused about all this shit
hopefully we'll figure it out soon though

the word 'together' hit a soft spot in both of their chests. it flooded them with excitement, yet at the same time fear. they longed for it...but did they really? jisung was always flirty and hella homo with him, but he never expected anything to come of it. he really didn't know how to react to all of this. minho just didn't know how the fuck his emotions were working right now. he didn't know if he genuinely liked jisung or not, and he really didn't want to give him false hope. the only thing minho is sure of is that the kiss did mean something, otherwise it wouldn't be eating him alive. all jisung was sure of is that his heart sped up and got all mushy when he merely thought of minho.

we will
we have to
i will not lose such a valuable friend over this
you are one of the greatest people i've ever met and i'm not letting you go that easy

i'm saying this in the most platonic way due to the situation
i love you
and i'm glad you're in my life

i love you too
no homo tho

keep telling yourself that
read 6:29pm

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