Chapter: 3 The Real Introduction

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Knock Knock* "Come in." I heard a booming voice call out. Genma opened the door and motioned for me to go in first, which I did and he immediaty followed shutting the door behind him. "Hi, how may I help you?" A lady with gold hair in pig tails asked with a stack of papers sitting in front of her. "I-uh." I for some reason was a little nervous. "This is Gma Marcy's granddaughter." Genma helped me get my words out. "Oh, I've been wanting to meet you." The lady said I figured was the Hokage. "Ah, thanks." I said awkwardly. "Aw wait I think I might even have..." she shoved her hand in her pocket and pulled out a wallet, opening it with one hand and pulling a tattered piece of paper with the other. "Your Grandma talks all the time and always showed me cute pictures of you." She turned the paper to me and Genma revealing a picture of me in the tub as a baby. I felt my face turn bright red and I covered my blushing face with my hands. "Haha cute." Genma chuckled. "Hehe, that's nice that she shows those types of pictures to people." I say making o contact to either of them. "Any way I should let you go. There'll be plenty of time for us to chat. You also must be exhausted from traveling all day." The Hokage stated with some concern. "Yeah that sounds good." I replied wanting to get out and hide in a corner. "Alright, Genma here will take to your Grandma's, well your new house for the next few months." Now making eye contact with the Hokage "That really isn't necessary, I'm sure he has a lot to do and." Once again Genma interrupted me "No that's totally chill, I'll take her." He told the Hokage then looked at me "I wouldn't want you to get lost again. "I didn't say anything just gave a small nod knowing I wouldn't change their mind. "Great it's settled then you two are dismissed." The Hokage walked us out of her office. Now I was Alone with Genma again, and I still couldn't make eye contact with him. The walk was made in silence the only thing that could be heard was the rustling of leaves in the early evening wind. We finally reached my Grandma's house and she wasn't home, since I didn't have a key I was given no choice but to wait outside. After 5 minutes passed I realized Genma didn't leave. "You don't have to stay." I say looking at the petunia that were next to the front door. "What kind of shinobi would I be if I left a woman outside by herself?" He asks walking right in front of making me look at him. "I- uh." I was at a loss for words until we heard something. "Aw what a lovely couple." Oh no. "Oh, Genma is that you? I can't see without my glasses." She came closer and seen that I or someone else was there. "Genma is that your girlfriend, she has nice assets." My face probably looked and felt like an oven. Genma chuckled and said "No she's not, it's your granddaughter." "Oh my sweet Ali, I've missed you." She said while bringing me into a hug. "Aw I wish I could have introduced you two. I know you'll be the best of friends." She assumed. I didn't say anything but I could see Genma smirking out of the corner of my eye. "You know Ali, out of all of the ninja's in the village Genma is my favorite." I smiled "Yeah he told me." It was quiet for a few moments. "Well it's getting late why don't I get you settle. Genma would you like to come in and have a cup of tea?" Grandma Asked Genma with her sweet smile. "You know I would but I have a few things to do before I head home." He told Gma Marcy. "Do you have a mission tomorrow?" She asked him. "No I actually have the day off which is rare so I wanted to get everything done tonight." He explained "Alright well make sure you come visit soon." Grandma told him. "I will, Goodnight Gma Marcy." He said and gave her a hug, then looked at me. "Goodnight Ali." "Goodnight Genma and thank you for your help." I said finally making eye contact. "Anytime." Was his response as he walked down the street leaving me with a hint of pink on my cheeks? Once we got inside grandma locked the door and said "Ali you're blushing." "Oh stop it." I said not wanting to go into anything right now. We unpacked my things and ended the night with a cup of tea by the fireplace.

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