Chapter 14: A Final Goodbye

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​The morning went smoother than we thought. "Eleveno'clock I should probably check in with the Hokage." Genma pracitly forced out. "Ok Genma come see me soon." Grandma said as I walked him to the front door. "Uh thanks again for yesterday." I said slightly blushing not making any eye contact. "Anytime." He said before pulling me into a quick hug. "See you later Ali." He coolly said turning around smirking going on his way.

I looked up making some eye contact now. I shut the trying to slow down my heart beat the miraculously increased. "Ali I do have one question for you." I looked at her not knowing what she was going to say. "Should I be expecting any great grand kids?" my jaw dropped "GRANDMA!!" I exclaimed in embarrassment. "I take that as a no." I slowly nod still in total belief she said that. Later that afternoon I went to the grocery store to get ingredients for tonight's dinner.

About an hour later I came back home to find a lot of packed boxes and Grandma packing more boxes. "Grandma what's going on?" I asked setting the bags down. "Ali you should sit down." I did as was told now waiting for an explanation. "I talked to your mom yesterday and she made a point that I'm at an age I shouldn't be working or living by myself." I just continued to stare. "Your point is?" she took a deep breathe. "I've decided to leave the leaf and move in with you and your parents." I felt my heart shatter. "I'm really sorry but it's for the best. I... I can tell Genma." I was trying to not show tears. "No, I'd rather tell him." She nodded "He can still visit us." I really didn't want to do this conversation right now so I went to my room where there were more empty boxes waiting to be filled.

I put on "Hate." By 4minute and started packing good memories I had of this village away. Two days later, there was a knock that echoed through the now empty house. I made my way to the door for the last time ever. I opened the door showing Genma on the other side. He looked in "Were you robbed?" he joked. I shook my head trying to keep it together. Now sensing something wasn't right he wasted no time with questions. "What's wrong?" He asked full of concern, placing his shoulders on my shoulders looking me straight in the eyes and I told him everything.

BY the end I couldn't hold it in anymore I was forced to let the river of tears finally flow out. Right when I was about to have a breakdown Genma shut the front door. Pulling me into a hug, he rubbed my back gently saying. "It'd be alright." All the while hold back tears he didn't he had. After what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes. He had finally calmed me down. "When do you leave?" He asked not letting go. "... at four... today." All he did was tighten his grip.

After a little while there was another knock on the door. Not expecting any one Genma opened the door curious too. "Sorry to bother you but the Hokage wants to see you Genma." Asuma informed Genma and then disappeared. Genma gave me one last hug before going to the very building we met in.

The sun was slowly setting as I made my way to the main gates where I'd leave my best friend. I turned around to look back at the village I called home the past few weeks one last time. Turning around to exit the gates but before I was able to, a figure appeared right in front of me making me stop in my tracks. "Genma?" I really couldn't believe he was here. "Don't leave." He said not making any movement. "I have to, I have no money, or anywhere to live." I tried not to get emotional again. Live with me." He said dead serious. My eyes widened I was totally shocked. "I-uh... I don't know what to say."

I was literally at a loss for words. He then reached up to take the senbon out of his mouth, with his other hand he lifted my chin forcing me to look at him. He leaned in and did the unthinkable, he pressed his lips against mine. Butterflies were dancing in my stomach as we I kissed him back. We both pulled away then with a smile he suggested. "Just say yes."

I thought to myself could I really live here with Genma? Now that I think about it this is what Grandma wanted wasn't it? Feeling a smile form on my own lips. I couldn't help but think maybe this is what was supposed to happen. Maybe this was the reason Grandma Choice Genma to be my guard. Maybe this was supposed to be the chapter. Maybe... just maybe this is the next story of my life.

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