Chapter 11: Change of Plains

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The sun settled sooner than we expected. The village was very beautiful at night though. It was lit up by lights of different shops and restaurants. Genma warned me before leaving the arena that the restaurant he wanted to take me to was going to be quiet a hike. Which I didn't mind until about 15 minutes into the walk when I felt something wet grace my skin. Not thinking anything of it, we kept walking. Three minutes later- drip, drip, drip I felt a few more drops thinking it was just a drizzle. So we kept walking until suddenly, we were hit by what seemed like five fire truck hoses all at once and a flash of light shot threw the sky like a shooting star.

Not even a second later Genma picked me up and started running at an inhuman speed. Not evening five minutes later we reached what seemed to be an apartment complex. He put me down once we reached a door he had his eyes on ever since we've enter the hallway that held about fourteen front doors. I was actually extremely impressed at the fact that he wasn't out of breathe from running that fast and carrying me.

Genma reached into his pocket and pulled out a keychain that held a few keys on it. He knew exactly which one he needed, not wasting anytime opening the door and motioning me to go in. "Where are we." I asked out of curiosity. "Home." Was his answer. It was simple, a few pictures of what I guessed was his family. The walls were a light gray but since it's an apartment I don't think he had a say in the color. It was very well organized, cleaned just a few papers scattered on the coffee table in front of the couch which I assumed were mission reports. All in all the place screamed Genma.

Since taking in the scenery I didn't notice Genma leave the room because when I turned around he was nowhere in sight. After about two minutes he came out of what I assumed was his bed room. He had a pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeved t-shirt in his hands. "I just set up the bathroom for a shower if you wanted to go first, you must be cold." Now that he mentioned it, I was freezing. "Yeah that would be great." I followed him through his bedroom, and into the bathroom where he  showed me how to work the shower and where he place two soft navy blue towels.

After my well needed shower I put my semi damp hair in braids and ten minutes later I found Genma in the kitchen looking for what I'm guessing is something for dinner in one of the cabinets. After realizing I was standing there he moved out of the bottom cabinet and started to stand but he didn't quite clear the top of it and banged his head. "Ow." He exclaimed while placing a hand on the new small bump that was forming. "Are you ok?" I asked with concern while placing my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, I just wasn't paying attention to what I was doing is all." He said with his cheeks turning a slightly red. "I'm not too sure of what we're having for dinner yet, but if you want to look around you might find something you like. I can make it for us when I get out of the shower." He added closing the door to the cabinet that had injured him. "OK." I told him as he walked passed me to go get a shower. I wasted no time looking through everything and settled on either grilled cheese with tomato soup or tuna fish. I was about to pick one when a lightbulb went off.

I was so in my own zone while stirring the soup that when an arm snaked around my waist I jumped a little in surprised. "I hope you don't mind I started making dinner already." I stated not bothering to turn around since I knew it was Genma. "Not at all, it smells fantastic whatever it is." He reassured only seeing the soup but smelling other things as well. I giggled a little bit. "Its tuna grilled cheese melts with tomato soup. Oh I also cut up a few of those tomatoes you had hopefully that was alright." He let go of my waist and opened a cabinet to get the bowls and plates. "That's fine I don't usually use tomatoes that often. When I do go to use them they go bad before I can so I'm glad you were able to use them."

I turned around to grab a pot holder to place the soup on and took a glance at Genma to only get my breathing to stop for a few seconds. I turned around quick enough for him not to notice. "Wow." I mouthed to myself I didn't know one could be so hot without a bandana. Bonus points he has bangs. Ali get yourself together I gave myself a small prep talk before platting  everything and taking it to the coffee table Genma had just cleared off.

After we were settled on the couch Genma noticed we didn't have drinks, so after the list he told me I decided on ice tea. Now that we had everything we started to eat our dinner while watching some comedy show. "Don't tell my mom this but..." He paused and looked at me, once he got my attention he continued. "You cook better than her." I gave out a small giggle while looking away. "Hmm I guess I won't tell her." I said trying to be funny. Which caused him to chuckle but our laughter died down when an alert went off on the t.v. saying no one is to go outside due to major flooding.

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