C H A P T E R: 8

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"Pain is a sign that something is need to be changed."

Your eyes glisten with tears as you see him, panting after triumphantly leaving that momentary mark on your bare skin.

You really didn't know how to make sense of the situation because so many thoughts were running into your head like nerve impulses..

What will they say? What will he think? How'd you get past through the crowd with that mark which would surely grab the spotlight? What if Jin pulls a drama out there?

Getting all so frustrated, you push him away from you and slap him right across his left cheek.
Your nostrils sharply flare out the breath as you stare him in anger.
"What's gotten into you!?" You shout, "you're not yourself jin! Leave."

He attempts to hold your hands but you jerk them away, not wanting to be touched by him at all.
His glare softens now.. he looks at you with a hint of sadness perfoliating in his gaze. You were sure he was about to break down any minute by now.

"Y/n.." he whispers, "please don't do this to me" "Give me a chance" his tone clearly indicating how he was desperate to want you back.

"Jin, go away before someone sees" you state emotionless..

You just wanted to rush away. You didn't want to face anyone and wanted some lone time by yourself.

"Y/n" he mutters cupping your face with one of his hand, he wipes off the tear falling down your cheeks.

"Don't you get it?" You scoff, "I'm married Jin! WE CANNOT BE A POSSIBILITY!" You yell

It was right at this moment when you hear the door opening and there you see your mother standing, a hand pressed on top of her mouth in shock.

Indeed she must have been taken to surprise seeing you two standing only inches apart from each other, with his hand still rested on your cheek and your dress disheveled a little and just across the bareness shines the spot which he had marked with all his pride!

"Eomma" you mutter as you attempt to push him.


"Don't worry.. I'll just say you aren't feeling well and you need to head home" you mom says as she tries concealing the mark.

Thankfully she had succeeded in sending Jin away, hearing the entire situation you had gone through had made her worried a lot but still she was trying not to make it obvious to you..

"Yeah.." you whisper, "thanks"

"Look, honey.. he's just having hard time coping with it. He still loves you and you know it's hard to let go.. give him some time, I'm sure things will change" she states as she pecks your forehead

You nod while pouting, "hmm.. yeah I hope that" you put a smile on your face just to let your mom know you are okay.

"Okay now let's get going.. everyone's been asking for you"


You smile as some of his friends congratulate you both. You knew all of them because of the small get togethers you used attend with Jin.
You see him through your peripheral vision, he was holding a sleeping areum in his embrace and was putting up a super fake smile, pretending he was doing fine..

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