C H A P T E R: 9

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You were stirred up from your sleep as you hear loud cries coming from somewhere near.

It wasn't long enough when realization hits you and you see areum crying while fidgeting her tiny limbs.
You see jungkook slowly opening his eyes as well.

"No worries.. I've got it. Keep sleeping" you state as you pick areum up and get off the bed to rock her a little..

Jungkook groans and rubs his face in order to wave the sleepiness away, he looks at you cooing something in areum's ears while still bouncing the baby..

Jungkook rolls his eyes and gets up immediately, "give her to me" he says as he walks over to you and tries to take his babygirl from your embrace.. without questioning anything you handle his daughter to him..

"She's hungry" he says as he pats her back

"Pft" you chuckle, "her diaper's dirty.. that's why she's crying" you state giving him a triumphant look as he places his hands over areum's butt only to feel the heaviness damping around her buttock.

He clears his throat, "yeah.. I knew that. Uh her-"

"Where do you keep her diapers?" You cut him off not wanting to hear the poor girl crying anymore

"It's in the bathroom and jisoo's room.. she takes the responsibility" he states to which you nod weakly..

"Alright give her to me.. I will get her changed"

You begin walking towards him so as to pick the child but he won't let you touch her as he turns around,
"I- jisoo does it so uh let me go ask for her help"

You pout looking at him go away, leaving you standing there with a mouth slightly gaped open at the insult.
Does he not trust you enough to let you take care of the baby?

Getting all freshed after a nice warm shower, you walk downstairs, your eyes hunting for the sight of your so called husband.
Was the diaper changing process as long as an hour?

You shake your head and keep pacing until you finally make it inside the kitchen as you decide to make breakfast.

"Oh.. hey"

You turn around to see your mother in law standing.. yeah it was weird calling Mrs jeon that but it's just fate and you had to get used to this..

"Hey" you smile back, seeing her sit on of the chairs as she grabs juice and fills it in inside the glass.

"So.. how's it going?" She asks, taking a sip

You press your lips together and shrug, "I don't know.. it's weird" you state matter of factly, "I mean it'll get better maybe?" You say chuckling with every ounce of superficiality.

She gives you a nod, "he can be moody sometimes.. but tell you what.." she leans forward, "once my son puts his hands on something there's no power which can divert him from it." "He's a loyal kid.." she mumbles taking another sip..

You nod, not exactly knowing how else to reply to this cause you were 100% sure there was no chance of jeon jungkook to see you the way his mom was expecting. Or maybe she's only trying to make you hold some hopes.. but there arent any, not after what he had said last night..

"I can't be the husband you expect me to be"

Well you wouldn't budge from admitting how bad it had hurt you. It was literally like someone daggering you straight in the heart!
Yeah you knew there was low chances of possibility about anything to happen in this "marriage" but still hearing those harsh words was the last thing you wanted to hear.. you weren't ready to hear this from him so soon!

"Anyway.. I wanted to tell you something" Mrs Jeon breaks you away from your distraction

"Oh.. yeah what is it?" You ask paying all your attention on her

She puts her glass down and places her fingers on top of your hands, "so.. I will be going back to busan by tonight, you see kook's appa has been having hard time dealing with living alone for more than 7 months or so now" she chuckles, "but don't worry.. jisoo is staying"

You gape your mouth wide open, "so.. are you gonna leave me.. alone?" You comprehend your words carefully since you didn't want to hurt her feelings by saying how you weren't prepared to be living with her son alone, considering how you weren't exactly something which he deemed to be of importance.

Mrs jeon scans for your dreaded expressions and he presses her fingers against your hands, her lips move into a thin line as she could clearly tell how uneasy you were looking after hearing this..

"I put you in unnecessary pressure didn't I?" She says, her eyes getting a little teary..

"No! You didn't.. I-"

"I'm really sorry y/n, hun.." she cries, "I don't know it's just that I'm a mother and I know what I did is selfish but-" she sobs

You sprint closer to her, picking the tissue which was kept on the table. You hold her by her shoulders and rub her arms, "shh it's.. it's okay.. I mean I understand your ordeal and I'm more than happy to help.. just forgive me in case I am of no use.."

Mrs jeon clicks his tongue, "I'm so thankful of you y/n.." she sniffles taking the tissue from you, ".. you're a really precious girl with such a big heart to accept something as big as this.."

"Mrs jeon.. I mean mom" you giggle, rolling your eyes out of shyness, "I uh.. I wanna ask something to you.."

"Oh sure go ahead.."

"What happens if nothing ever works out well?"

She opens her mouth to say something but shuts it again as she's unable to comprehend the righteous decision.

You sigh and get up from the seat, "if nothing works out well between us  I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave Mrs jeon.."


Ughh it's getting ugly lol I don't even feel like writing this shiz anymore 😂


~author kookieskitty xx 🐾😘😘🌹

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