C H A P T E R: 15

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Jungkook and you couldn't help but shy away the moment jisoo barges inside the room with a smile plastered widely across her face..

She pushes her tongue against her cheeks and folds her arms while staring at the both of you,
"Should I take reumie with me? I mean you two can resume wi-"

"Ah! It's areum's bathing time!" You change the topic before she could make it embarrassing for the both of you..

Jungkook nods and looks around, "I uh.. where's her clothes?" He blabbers mindlessly in order to avoid making an eye contact with jisoo, who at the moment was giggling at how your attempts were basically failing to make her feel otherwise..

You pick areumie higher in your arms before sprinting inside the washroom leaving jungkook alone to bare the torture alone!

Jisoo stares at jungkook, the smile not leaving her face at all.

"What?" Jungkook barks as he runs his fingers through his hair to distract himself

"Nothing-" she giggles making Jungkook tsk in irritation

"Seriously jisoo stop acting like that okay. It was by accident that it happened, stop obsessing over it and move. I have more things to do" he states pushing past her

Jisoo bites her lower lip, "mhmm.. I can see" she chirps as her eyes dart towards your bag jungkook had opened minutes ago mistakenly which had lead to your garments getting exposed

"Really jisoo please stop!!" Jungkook whines making his sister laugh out loud at how embarrassed he was becoming every passing minute.

"Okay okay I'll leave" she giggles, "I came to take my charger.. it is in her bag! So before you blame me for intruding I was about to knock your door but guess my lovely brother doesn't really gives a shit about the keys hanging on the door hmm"

Jungkook raises his brows and frowns recalling how he had forgotten to take the keys inside after unlocking the room..
Jisoo quickly picks the charger and leaves before sticking her tongue out at kook.

You chuckle as you see areum playing around in the tub. It was getting hard to keep her still since the large tub definitely was making her get excited a lot and the stool you were seated on was now getting slippery due to the faint water droplets which areum had thrown at you while trying to catch for the bath bubbles..

"Aww you like it?" You ask her as she tries to burst the bubbles foaming around her.
You lightly raise her in order to wash her back however your little chickpea doesn't like how you break her bond with the warmth of water causing her to let out a loud whine..

"Aww areumie.. just a moment baby I'm only trying to wash!" You say in a baby voice while stubbornly rubbing her as she keeps fidgeting..
"Ugh areum stop moving baby.. look! You're getting cleaned! Reumie will look so pretty after getting cleaned!" You try talking to her with astonished expressions-- just a little attempt to actually convince this princess to let you wash her up..

You were busy washing until someone clearing their throat makes you distracted and well you knew who exactly it must be..

"Oh umm.. you forgot her clothes.." jungkook blurts while holding her towel and her onesie

"Oh.." you mouth, "yeah keep it- no areum!" You say as she squirms more in your grip while whining. It was getting really difficult for you now.. she never really fusses that much whenever you bathe her but why all of a sudden?

Jungkook sighs as he slowly walks over in your direction. He piles the clothes inside one of the wooden shafts near the shower and sits on the bath tub space to get access to his bratty daughter.

"What's going on, you little monkey?" Jungkook asks areum while caressing her head..

You take the opportunity to hold her so that jungkook could bath her well..
"Um.. she's been in the tub for quite a while now-"

"I'll be quick" he says hastily

You look at him. He was being the best father to the only love of his life. If there was anyone jungkook's heart pounded for then you knew it was only areum and areum alone.
He was too good to be true for her, like you knew all father's are meant to love their kids but seeing Jungkook made your heart feel it for real.
Beautiful is simply how you could describe it..

"Ooh thats it chipmunk" jungkook chirps while getting up in order to take her towel from the shaft.
He hands you a spare towel so that you could cover your thighs before placing areum on top of them.

"Aww where's areumie's clothes?" You joke as she lays on your thighs naked..

Jungkook pouts while kneeling down to face areum. He lightly pats her with the towel, "areumie didn't you show your clothes to her?" Kook asks areum while trying to put her clothes on..

You look at jungkook. It was so unexpected! He talked back.. be it indirectly but still-

You make areum stand on top of your thighs so that jungkook could put her diaper on.
It was funny how areum was blabbering loudly the entire time jungkook was dressing her up, as though try to communicate with him..

Jungkook keeps humming as a reply while putting her onesie on.
It was somewhere amidst when your fingers brush past too but of course he didn't really care as much as you did.. your heart kept beating loudly due to the close vicinity there was between you both and the way he would handle areum was enough to make you week in the knees always.. he was so kind

"Okay my baby looks like a rockstar" jungkook says haughtily while picking her up from your embrace..
You follow his lead, observing every move of his. You adore at how he cover his daughter's head with her small blanket and was swaying her around, timely stealing playful pecks on her cheeks and sometimes her nose.. he looked so hallow yet so complete at the same time..

Only if you were capable enough to fill in the empty space.. only if he could see you the way like you've always wanted-- as his wife. No matter how wrong it may be to take someone else's deserving position but.. were you exactly wrong to think of wanting to be loved?



~author kookieskitty xx 🐾😘😘🌹

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